Changes in bacterial profiles after periodontal treatment associated with respiratory quality of asthmatic children

  • Wiyarni Pambudi
  • Imelda Fabiola
  • Retno Indrawati
  • Haryono Utomo
  • Anang Endaryanto
  • Ariyanto Harsono
Keywords: asthma, dental plaque, FEY1 reversibility, bacteria


Background Despite the reduction phenomenon of asthma
exacerbation after dental plaque control, no scientific report has
been found to describe the link between bacterial profiles and
respiratory quality in children with asthma.
Objective To investigate association between bacterial profiles changes
and improvement in respiratory quality after periodontal treatment.
Methods Asthmatic children with FEV1 reversibility ~ 12% and
dental plaque index ~ 2 who qualified for inclusion criteria were
randomized into two groups. The treatment group was referred for
dental plaque removal by oral biology dentist and guided to perform
an individual oral health care for seven days. The control group
was observed without intervention. Each subject was assessed for
respiratory quality and bacterial profiles taken from plaque culture
before and after one week run-in period. Paired t-test and correlation
were used for statistical anayses. The study protocol was approved by
the Medical Research Ethics Committee of Dr. Soetomo Hospital.
Results Dental plaque control was performed in 18 of 36 children
with mild asthma. At follow-up, plaque analysis among the
subjects receiving dental treatment showed a significant reduction
(P<0.01) in number of microbial colony and gram negative bacilli,
corresponding by a fall in asthma score, FEV1 reversibility, and
blood eosinophil (P<O.Ol). The improvement of respiratory
quality variables were moderately associated (r>0.4; P<0.05) with
bacterial profiles changes after periodontal treatment.
Conclusions A reduced rate of gram negative bacilli colonization
in dental plaque after periodontal treatment is related to
improvement of respiratory quality of asthmatic children.

Author Biographies

Wiyarni Pambudi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Imelda Fabiola
School of Dentistry, University of Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Retno Indrawati
School of Dentistry, University of Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Haryono Utomo
School of Dentistry, University of Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Anang Endaryanto
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia
Ariyanto Harsono
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Airlangga, Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Pambudi W, Fabiola I, Indrawati R, Utomo H, Endaryanto A, Harsono A. Changes in bacterial profiles after periodontal treatment associated with respiratory quality of asthmatic children. PI [Internet]. 15Sep.2016 [cited 31Jan.2025];48(6):327-7. Available from:
Received 2016-09-14
Accepted 2016-09-14
Published 2016-09-15