Diagnostic accuracy of septic markers for neonatal sepsis

  • Thermiany AS
  • W Retayasa
  • M Kardana
  • IN Lila
Keywords: neonatal sepsis, septic markers, blood culture


Background Neonatal sepsis is a major cause of morbidity and
mortality. A positive blood culture is the gold standard for
diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. The signs and symptoms suggesting
neonatal sepsis are non-specific. There is no rapid and reliable
laboratory test findings for confirmation of etiologic diagnosis.
Clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory examinations are not
perceived as sensitive or specific for diagnosis of sepsis.
Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy
of the septic markers for diagnosis of neonatal sepsis.
Methods Blood culture was used as gold standard to compare
septic markers to diagnose neonatal sepsis. Sensitivity, specificity,
positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV),
positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR), and accuracy were
Results We identified 130 cases suspected of neonatal sepsis during
September 2005 until March 2006. Four patients were excluded
because of major congenital anomalies. The mean age was 2.2 days
and 51.6% were boys. We found fifty six (44.4%) neonates have
positive blood culture. All of septic markers had sensitivity more
than 80%. Immature to Total Neutrophil ratio (Iff) ratio had the
highest sensitivity (96.4%) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) had the
lowest sensitivity (80.4o/o). Combination among leukocyte count,
thrombocyte, and Iff ratio had the highest sensitivity (sensitivity
was 85. 7%, specificity was 97.1 o/o, positive predictive value was
95.9%, negative predictive value was 89.5%, accuracy was 94.4%,
and positive likelihood ratio was 30.0).
Conclusion Septic markers can be used in the diagnostic
evaluation of neonates with suspected sepsis.

Author Biographies

Thermiany AS
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Udayana, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia.
W Retayasa
Medical School, University of Udayana, Sanglah Hospital,
Denpasar, Indonesia
M Kardana
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
Udayana, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia.
IN Lila
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Medical School, University
of Udayana, Sanglah Hospital , Denpasar, lndonesia.


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How to Cite
AS T, Retayasa W, Kardana M, Lila I. Diagnostic accuracy of septic markers for neonatal sepsis. PI [Internet]. 15Sep.2016 [cited 26Jan.2025];48(5):299-05. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/610
Received 2016-09-12
Accepted 2016-09-12
Published 2016-09-15