Serum zinc levels and clinical severity of dengue infection in children

  • Nuke Yuliana
  • RM Ryadi Fadil
  • Alex Chairulfatah
Keywords: serum zinc levels, dengue infection, clinical severity


Background Immunopathogenesis of dengue infection reveals
the aberrant immune response. Zinc deficiency alters immune
response and therefore may associated with clinical severity of
dengue infection.
Objective To indentifY the relationship between serum zinc levels and clinical severity of dengue infection in children.
Methods A comparative study was conducted at the Department
of Child Health Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, from February
to March 2007. We included children aged ~ 14 years fulfilled the
clinical criteria for dengue fever (OF), dengue hemorrhagic fever
(DHF), and dengue shock syndrome (DSS) according to WHO
(1997), confirmed with serologic test. Subjects were selected
consecutively until met the sample size for each group. Serum
zinc level were measured with atomic absorption spectroscopy
(MS) on admission. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and
Pearson chi square test. Significance was considered if P<0.05.
Results The serum zinc levels were low in 47 (78.3%) children.
The serum zinc level in OF, DHF, and DSS subjects were 56-81 (X
±SO= 68.2±8.3) J.Lg/dL; 50-77 (X± SO = 61.6 ± 8. 7) J.Lg/dL;
and35-52 (X± SO= 42.7 ± 5.4), respectively (P<0.001).
The prevalence ratio ofDF to DHF and DHF to DSS were 1.444
(P=0.311) and 3.353 (P=0.077), respectively.
Conclusion Low serum zinc level were significantly different in
each clinical severity of dengue infection. However, low serum zinc level was not a risk factor for the development of severe dengue infection in children.

Author Biographies

Nuke Yuliana
Departement of Child Health, Medical School, Padjajaran
University, Hasan Sadikin Hospital.
RM Ryadi Fadil
Departement of Child Health, Medical School, Padjajaran
University, Hasan Sadikin Hospital.
Alex Chairulfatah
Departement of Child Health, Medical School, Padjajaran
University, Hasan Sadikin Hospital.


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How to Cite
Yuliana N, Fadil R, Chairulfatah A. Serum zinc levels and clinical severity of dengue infection in children. PI [Internet]. 31Dec.2009 [cited 23Feb.2025];49(6):309-4. Available from:
Received 2016-09-11
Accepted 2016-09-11
Published 2009-12-31