Growth velocity in elementary school children with iron deficiency anemia after iron therapy

  • Dina Lyfia
  • Melda Deliana
  • Hakimi Hakimi
  • Nelly Rosdiana
  • Bidasari Lubis
Keywords: body height, growth velocity, iron deficiency anemia


Background Iron supplementation in children with iron deficiency
anemia could decrease the incidence of stunting.
Objective To study the effect of iron therapy on growth velocity
in children with iron deficiency anemia.
Methods A randomized clinical trial study was conducted at
Labuhan Batu on November 2006 to May 2007. Iron deficiency
anemia was diagnosed if there were anemia, with mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration <31 %, red cell distribution width index > 220, and Mentzer index> 13. Elementary school children (6-12 year old) with iron deficiency anemia were randomly assigned either to iron therapy group (children were given 6 mg iron/kg/day) or to placebo group for 3 months.
Results Among 300 children recruited, there were 125 children,
who suffered from iron deficiency anemia. After one month of
iron therapy, means of hemoglobin concentration were 12.4 g/dl in iron group and 11.7 g/dl in placebo group. There was a significant increase of height in iron group (129.9 (SD 7.58) em vs. 132.2 (SD 7.23) em) and in placebo (130.8 (SD 8.78) em vs. 128.7 (SD 8. 79) em), However, no significant difference was found in the mean of growth velocity between placebo and iron groups (2.1 (SD 0.01) em vs. 2.0 (SD 0.9) em.
Conclusion There is a significant increase in height, but no
significant difference between both groups in growth velocity.

Author Biographies

Dina Lyfia
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera University, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Melda Deliana
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera University, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Hakimi Hakimi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera University, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Nelly Rosdiana
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera University, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Bidasari Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, North Sumatera University, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Lyfia D, Deliana M, Hakimi H, Rosdiana N, Lubis B. Growth velocity in elementary school children with iron deficiency anemia after iron therapy. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2009 [cited 13Feb.2025];49(5):249-2. Available from:
Received 2016-09-11
Accepted 2016-09-11
Published 2009-10-31