Comparative efficacy of artesunate and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine combination with artesunate and amodiaquine combination in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children

  • Jose Meky Mandei
  • Novie Homenta Rampengan
  • Suryadi Nicolaas
  • Napoleon Tatura
  • Ari Lukas Runtunuwu
  • Tony Homenta Rampengan
Keywords: uncomplicated falciparum malaria, artesunate, sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine, amodiaquine


Background Malaria is still an important cause of mortality
and morbidity in children and adults in tropical countries.
Multidrug resistance againts chloroquine and sulphadox-
ine-pyrimethamine had brought to an introduction of
artemisinin-based combination.
Objective To assess the alternative treatment of uncompli-
cated falciparum malaria in children using artesunate and
sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine combination comparing to
artesunate and amodiaquine combination.
Methods This is a single-blind randomized trial. Sixty-
seven children aged six months to 13 years, were recruited.
Thirty-three children were treated with artesunate 4 mg/
kgbw/day for three days with an additional sulphadoxine-
pyrimethamine (pyrimethamine 1-1.5 mg/kgbw) single
dose on the first day, while 34 children were treated with
artesunate and amodiaquine base 10 mg/kgbw/day for the
first two days, then 5 mg/kgbw/day on the third day. Body
temperature and parasite count were recorded everyday
for at least seven days. The outcomes were fever clearance
time, parasite clearance time, cure rate and side effects. Sta-
tistical analysis was performed using the student t-test.
Results The statistical analysis showed that there were
no difference between these two groups either in fever
clearance time (P>0.05), or in parasite clearance time
(P>0.05). The cure rate was 100% in both groups. Vomit-
ing was found in one patient treated with artesunate and
amodiaquine combination.

Conclusion The combination of artesunate and sulpha-
doxine-pyrimethamine and combination of artesunate
and amodiaquine were found to be equally effective in the
treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children

Author Biographies

Jose Meky Mandei
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Novie Homenta Rampengan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Suryadi Nicolaas
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Napoleon Tatura
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Ari Lukas Runtunuwu
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.
Tony Homenta Rampengan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sam Ratulangi
University, Manado, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Mandei J, Rampengan N, Nicolaas S, Tatura N, Runtunuwu A, Rampengan T. Comparative efficacy of artesunate and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine combination with artesunate and amodiaquine combination in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2008 [cited 7Mar.2025];48(4):240-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-10
Accepted 2016-09-10
Published 2008-08-31