Identification of enuresis risk factors among primary school children in Makassar

  • Ratna Dewi Artati
Keywords: enuresis, school children, risk factors


Background Enuresis is a common problem among children and
adolescents which may lead to important psychosocial distur-
bances. Several factors have been associated with the occurrence
of enuresis, including genetic, family history and socioeconomic
level. Not many population-based studies have been published
rgarding this matter.
Objectives To establish the prevalence of enuresis among school
children and to identify the risk factors associated with this
Methods A cross sectional population-based study was conducted
from April to October 2007 in 600 children aged 6-14 years.
Identification of enuresis risk factors were collected from students
randomly chosen from six primary schools located in different
regions ofMakassar. Data were collected via a questionnaire com-
pleted by the parents. Study population were grade I to grade VI
of primary school students in Makassar which were chosen from
high economic level schools group (SD I) and low economical
level schools group (SD II).
Results The overall prevalence of enuresis was 10.8%. Bivariate
analyses show relationships between the occurrence of enuresis
and maternal and paternal educational level, family's socioeco-
nomic status, family history of enuresis, and history of use of diaper.
On logistic regression analysis, statistically significant relationships
were found between enuresis and mother's educational level,
family's socioeconomic status, family history of enuresis, and
history of use of diaper.
Conclusions Enuresis is a common problem among school children
in Makassar and associated with several factors, including mother's
educational level, family socioeconomic status, family history of
enuresis and use of diaper

Author Biography

Ratna Dewi Artati
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Hassanuddin
University, Makassar, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Artati R. Identification of enuresis risk factors among primary school children in Makassar. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2008 [cited 8Feb.2025];48(4):204-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-10
Accepted 2016-09-10
Published 2008-08-31