Impact of iron therapy on Mentzer index and red cell distribution width index in primary school children with iron deficiency anemia

  • Budi Andri Ferdian
  • Nelly Rosdiana
  • Bidasari Lubis
Keywords: anemia, iron supplementation, RDW, Mentzer


Background Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) remains a common
nutritional problem, especially in school-age children. Due to
the many examinations that are needed to be performed and the invasive gold standard procedure, an easy and simple alternative examination to diagnose IDA is needed.
Objective To determine the impact of iron therapy on Mentzer
and red cell distribution width (RDW) indexes of children with
Methods A randomized open clinical trial was conducted in
primary school aged children in North Aek Nabara, between
November 2006 and November 2007. IDA was determined based
on WHO criteria. Subjects with severe anemia were excluded.
Subjects were randomly assigned to groups that received either
iron therapy or a placebo.
Results Three-hundred subjects from aged 9 to 12 years old
were recruited and 104 subjects completed the study. The mean
RDW index of the iron and placebo groups after three months
observation were 239.96 (SD 39.25) and 235.17 (SD 31.77),
respectively. The mean Mentzer index mean for the iron therapy
and placebo groups after three months observation were 16.08
(SD 1.98) and 16.20 (SD 2.27), respectively.
Conclusion After therapy, there are no significant differences in
either the Mentzer or RDW indexes between the therapy and
placebo groups.

Author Biographies

Budi Andri Ferdian
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Nelly Rosdiana
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.
Bidasari Lubis
Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of
North Sumatera, H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Ferdian B, Rosdiana N, Lubis B. Impact of iron therapy on Mentzer index and red cell distribution width index in primary school children with iron deficiency anemia. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2009 [cited 23Jan.2025];49(4):195-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-10
Accepted 2016-09-10
Published 2009-08-31