Performance of Neonatal Unit, Arifin Achmad Hospital, Pekanbaru

  • Dewi Anggraini Wisnumurti Department of Child Health, Arifin Achmad Hospital, University of Riau Medical School, Riau
Keywords: neonate, mortality


Background Arifin Achmad Hospital is the largest hospital in
Riau Province, Indonesia, which serves as referral hospital and
offers tertiary care for sick neonates.
Objective To review the performance of the Neonatal Unit of
Arifin Ahmad Hospital as a mean to further improve the overall
care Mth specific interest to improve neonatal outcomes.
Methods We collected the clinical data of all patients admitted to
the Neonatal Unit from 2008 to 2010. Diagnoses were classified
according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases
and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (Revised leD 10). We
evaluated the overall performance of the unit, including number
of beds, number of patients, and bed occupancy rates (BOR). The
spectrum of diagnoses was also described. Associations between
clinical characteristics and patient outcomes were analyzed using
univariate Chi square test.
Results The number of available beds increased from 10 beds in
2008 to 24 beds in 2010, thereby decreasing the BORfrom 112%
in 2008 to 82% in 2010, despite the yearly increase in number
of patients (702 in 2008, 772 in 2009, and 821 in 2010). Most
Neonatal Unit patients were male, aged 0ô€’3 days at the time of
admission, had birth weights of 2500ô€’4000 grams, born in RSUD
Arifin Achmad and were born vaginally. Respiratory problems,
prematurity and infections were the three main reasons for
admission. Birth weight, the presence of congenital malformations,
referral status, and < 7 day length of stay were associated with
Conclusions The performance of the unit increased during the
3ô€’year period of study. Most patients admitted had respiratory
problems, fetal growth problems, or infections. We found that birth
weight, congenital malformations, referral status, and decreased
length of stay were prognostic factors for patient outcomes.
[Paediatr rndones. 2012;52:356-61].


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How to Cite
Wisnumurti D. Performance of Neonatal Unit, Arifin Achmad Hospital, Pekanbaru. PI [Internet]. 31Dec.2012 [cited 31Jan.2025];52(6):356-1. Available from:
Received 2016-09-08
Accepted 2016-09-08
Published 2012-12-31