Characteristics and outcomes of low birth weight infants in Bali

  • Putu Junara Putra Department of Child Health, U dayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
Keywords: low birth weight infant, characteristics, mortality


Background The prevalence and the mortality of low birth
weight infants are still high. Low birth weight (LBW) births are
responsible for newborn death. LBW infants are easier to suffer
serious health problems and death. Lower infant body weight
and younger gestational age are determinants of greater risk of
Objective To determine the characteristics of LBW infants and
their outcomes in Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.
Methods This prospective study was conducted on all LBW
infants in the nursery from their time of admission until discharge
for the year of 20 11..
Results There were 120 LBW infants admitted to Sanglah
Hospital fromJanuary 2011 to December 2011. The prevalence
ofLBW was 8.9%. The birth weight group of 1500ô€°2499 grams
had the highest number of infants (79.2%). The gestational age
group of 33ô€°36 weeks had 53.3% of the infants, while 68.3% of
the LBW infants were of the appropriate gestational age. The
most common method of delivery was normal spontaneous
delivery (70%). Moderate asphyxia was observed in 25% of the
subjects, while severe asphyxia was observed in 22.5% of subjects.
The mortality rate was 24.2%.
Conclusions The prevalence of LBW of all newborns in our
hospital was 8.9%. Severe asphyxia was observed in 22.5% of
subjects. The mortality rate of the LBW infants was 24.2%. Our
LBW infants were most cormnonly in the categories of birth weight
of 1500ô€°2499 grams, gestational age was between 33ô€°36 weeks,
appropriate for gestational age, as well as delivered spontaneously.
[Paediatr lndanes. 2012,52:30003].


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How to Cite
Putra P. Characteristics and outcomes of low birth weight infants in Bali. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2012 [cited 23Jan.2025];52(5):300-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-07
Accepted 2016-09-07
Published 2012-10-31