Neonatal iodine status survey by thyroid-stimulating hormone screening in Surabaya

  • Connie Untario Department of Child Health, Mitra Keluarga Hospita, Surabaya, East Java
  • I Wayan Bikin Suryawan Department of Child Health, Wangaya General Hospita, Denpasar, Bali
Keywords: neonatal, TSH screening, iodine deficiency disorders, IDD


Background Iodine deficiency disorders (lDD) are a significant
public health problem globally. Iodine deficiency may cause
subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy and early infancy.
Neonatal thyroid screening of serum thyroidô€Šstimulating hormone
(TSH) to detect hypothyroidism may also be used to determine
the prevalence of IDD in a population. Previous studies reported
mild ID D status in different parts of Indonesia.
Objective To evaluate the iodine status of neonates born in
Mitra K eluarga Surabaya Hospital (MKSH) by TSH screening
over a 6ô€Šyear period.
Methods T his is a crossô€Šsectional and hospitalô€Šbased study
conducted in MKSH from January 2005 to December 2010. Of
the 5,619 infants born in MKSH during the study period, 3,349
(59.6%) healthy infants took part in this study. Blood specimens
for TSH measurement were collected from subjects 2 to 6 days
after birth, and sent to a reference laboraratory for evaluation.
Using the neonatal TSH values, the iodine deficiency level of
the group was determined according to the WHO/UNICEF/
International Council for the Control of IDD criteria.
Results A total of 3,349 newborn babies underwent neonatal
TSH screening in MKSH. Subjects' mean TSH concentration
was 5.14 mIU!L. A TSH concentration> SmIU!L was found in
1270 (37.9%) subjects, 166 (27.6%) in 2005, 252 (44.0%) in 2006,
331 (47.1 %) in 2007, 356 (57.7%) in 2008, 114 (20.7%) in 2009
and 51 (16.8%) in 2010. On the basis of the WHO/UNICEF/
International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency
Disorder criteria, this frequency corresponded to a moderate level
of IDD. Twentyô€Štwo neonates had TSH > 20 mIU!L from which
2 infants were confirmed positive for hypothyroidism.
Conclusion A 6ô€Šyear study of 3,349 newborns screened for TSH
revealed that 37.9% of subjects had TSH concentration of more
than SmIU!L. This frequency indicates a moderate level of IDD
in the study population. [Paediatr Indones. 2012;52:289,93].


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How to Cite
Untario C, Suryawan IW. Neonatal iodine status survey by thyroid-stimulating hormone screening in Surabaya. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2012 [cited 9Mar.2025];52(5):289-3. Available from:
Received 2016-09-07
Accepted 2016-09-07
Published 2012-10-31