Determinants of infant care practices in Minangkabau ethnic

  • Masruli Masruli Department of Nutrition, Andalas University Medical School, Padang, West Sumatera
  • Hari Basuki Department of Public Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java
Keywords: infant, care, indicators


Background Child care practices are important for growth
and development, and are influenced by cultural determinants.
Indicators of infant care practices have not been determined for
the Minangkabau ethnic group.
Objective To determine indicators of infant care among a
Minangkabau ethnic community.
Methods A crossô€ˆsectional study was done in Solok, West
Sumatera, a region populated by largely Minangkabau ethnic
groups. Infant feeding care (IFC), infant health care (IHC), infant
clean care (ICC), and infant psychosocial stimulation care (IPSe)
were the components of infant care used as indicators. Data on
these four components were obtained through interviews with
parents and direct observation. A score was assigned to each
component. We used the confirmatory factors analysis (CFA)
method to determine whether the indicators were valid in the
studied population.
Results We enrolled 417 infants in the study, v.ith a mean age of
8.7 months, and 51.6% were female. IFC scores were fairin 72.7%,
high in 20.4%, and low in 6.7%. IHC scores were poor in 25.7%,
fair in 58.8%, and good in 15.5%. ICC scores were poor in 0.7%,
fair in 42.2%, and good in 58.1 %. IPSC scores were poor in 10.6%,
fair in 84.9%, and high in 4.5%. On CFA, ICC contributed least to
the indicator model (A: 0.17). ICC and IPSC had fair contributions
to the model (A: 0.5 and 0.47, respectively). Goodness of fit of the
model was good (P>0.05). Root mean square error approximation
was <0.08 and goodness of fit index was >0.9.
Conclusions Infant clean care was the most significant contributor
to the infant care practice indicator in the Minangkabau ethnic
community. Similar studies need to be done in other Indonesian
ethnic groups. [Paediatr Indones. 2012;52:280,3].


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How to Cite
Masruli M, Basuki H. Determinants of infant care practices in Minangkabau ethnic. PI [Internet]. 31Oct.2012 [cited 7Mar.2025];52(5):280-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-07
Accepted 2016-09-07
Published 2012-10-31