Plasma prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time as predictors of bleeding manifestations during dengue hemorrhagic fever

  • I. N. Budastra
  • B. N. P. Arhana
  • IB. Mudita
Keywords: DHF, impaired coagulation, bleeding, APTT


Background  Massive bleeding and shock are complications  of
dengue  hemorrhagic  fever (DHF)  that  are associated with
high mortality. Impaired hemostasis, especially coagulopathy,
contributes  to  bleeding manifestations in DHF. Parameters such
as  activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)  and  plasma
prothrombin  time (PPT) indicate  the  impact  of  coagulation
Objective  To  determine the relationship between  APTT  and PPT
levels with bleeding manifestations in  DHF  patients.
Methods  A prospective  cohort  study was applied to subjects
diagnosed with  DHF  at  the  Infection  and  Tropical Diseases
Division, Department  of  Child Health, Medical School, Udayana
University, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Indonesia. Laboratory
tests  to  determine  APTT  and  PPT  were carried  out  on  the
third, fourth,  and  fifth day after  the  onset  of  fever. Bleeding
manifestations were examined in patients during their hospital
stay. Univariate  and  Cox regression analyses were performed
to examine relationship between  APTT  and  PPT  values with
bleeding manifestations in  DHF  patients.
Results  Forty-three children were enrolled in this study.  There
was a significant relationship between increases in  APTT  value
with bleeding manifestations in  DHF  patients [RR 2.79 (95%CI
1.68 to 4.69), P <0.01]. Cox regression analysis showed  that  only
increased  APTT  values correlated with bleeding manifestations
[RR 2.05 (95%CI 1.92 to 3.90), P  =  0.02].
Conclusion  APTT  values may be used  as  a predictor for bleeding
manifestations  in  DHF.

Author Biographies

I. N. Budastra
Department  of  Child  Health,  Medical  School,  Udayana
University,  Sanglah  Hospital,  Denpasar,  Indonesia.
B. N. P. Arhana
Department  of  Child  Health,  Medical  School,  Udayana
University,  Sanglah  Hospital,  Denpasar,  Indonesia.
IB. Mudita
Department  of  Child  Health,  Medical  School,  Udayana
University,  Sanglah  Hospital,  Denpasar,  Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Budastra I, Arhana B, Mudita I. Plasma prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time as predictors of bleeding manifestations during dengue hemorrhagic fever. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2009 [cited 14Mar.2025];49(2):69-4. Available from:
Received 2016-09-05
Accepted 2016-09-05
Published 2009-04-30