Results of proteinuria measurement using semiquantitative dipstick in children with fever or nephrotic syndrome

  • Chatidjah Alaydrus
  • Yati Soenarto
  • M. P. Damanik
Keywords: diagnostic test, AUTION Stick 10 TA, proteinuria


Background Proteinuria is a major determinant of the progression
of renal disease. Quantitative measurement of proteinuria within
a 24-hour period of urine collection was the accepted method of
evaluation, but is tedious and prone to error in the absence of a
reliable collection. We evaluated the diagnostic value of AUTION
Sticks 10 TA to diagnose proteinuria in children with fever and
nephrotic syndrome.
Methods This study was conducted at the pediatric ward of Sardjito
Hospital. Proteinuria levels were measured using semiquantitative
dipstick methods with AUTION Sticks 10 TA using a 24-hour
urine sample collected at the first examination until the following
day. Proteinuria level was also measured by Esbach method as gold
Results A total of 120 children aged 16 years old were recruited. In
the fever group, AUTION Sticks 10 TA couldn’t be used for the
diagnostic test. AUTION Sticks 10 TA +2 to diagnose intermediate
proteinuria produced a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 89%, a
positive predictive value of 43% , a negative predictive value of
94%, a positive likelihood ratio of 5.4, a negative likelihood ratio of
0.45. To diagnose nephrotic proteinuria, AUTION Sticks 10 TA
+3/+4 produced a sensitivity of 90%, a specificity of 91%, a positive
predictive value of 96%, a negative predictive value of 77%, a
positive likelihood ratio of 10, a negative likelihood ratio of 0.11.
Conclusion AUTION Sticks 10 TA +2 is sufficiently accurate
for a diagnostic test of intermediate proteinuria (Esbach value)
while +3/+4 is sufficiently accurate for a diagnostic test of
nephrotic proteinuria (Esbach value) in children. In the fever
group, dipstick result can not explain the Esbach value.

Author Biographies

Chatidjah Alaydrus
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Yati Soenarto
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
M. P. Damanik
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Gadjah Mada
University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Alaydrus C, Soenarto Y, Damanik M. Results of proteinuria measurement using semiquantitative dipstick in children with fever or nephrotic syndrome. PI [Internet]. 29Feb.2008 [cited 9Mar.2025];48(1):10-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-04
Accepted 2016-09-04
Published 2008-02-29