Relationship between atopic manifestations, family history of atopic disease and cord blood IgE levels in children

  • Tisnasari Hafsah
  • Myrna Soepriadi
  • Budi Setiabudiawan
  • Herry Garna
Keywords: atopic disease, cord blood IgE, family history


Background The incidence of atopic disease tends to increase
over the past few decades and its morbidity interferes with the
quality of life and health. Prediction of the disease is important
for early prevention.
Objective To evaluate the relationship between atopic
manifestations, family history (FH) of atopic disease and cord
blood IgE (CB-IgE) levels.
Methods We conducted an analytic observational study with
cohort retrospective design on children with an average age of 3
years whose CB-IgE had been measured at delivery in
Kiaracondong Primary Health Care during October–December
2004. Manifestations of atopic disease were recorded using ISAAC
questionaire for allergy. Chi-square, Mann-Whitney test, and
logistic regression analysis were used for analysis.
Results Cord blood IgE was measured on 124 children after birth.
Only 94 children (76%) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Atopic
disease was found in 17 children (18%), consisting of 8 children
with atopic dermatitis, 4 with allergic rhinitis, and 5 suffered from
both. There were significant differences in the mean value of CB-
IgE (Z M-W =4.60; P<0.001) and FH (x 2 =19.059; P<0.001)
between atopic and non atopic children. Cut off point of the CB-
IgE concentration was 1.4 IU/mL (77.7%). The highest probability
for atopic manifestations was found in children who had high
CB-IgE and positive FH (P=45%). Relative risk of children with
high CB-IgE level in positive FH group was 3.636 (95% CI
Conclusion CB-IgE level and family history of atopic disease are
risk factors for the development of atopic manifestation.

Author Biographies

Tisnasari Hafsah
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Padjadjaran
University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Myrna Soepriadi
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Padjadjaran
University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Budi Setiabudiawan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Padjadjaran
University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Herry Garna
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Padjadjaran
University, Bandung, Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Hafsah T, Soepriadi M, Setiabudiawan B, Garna H. Relationship between atopic manifestations, family history of atopic disease and cord blood IgE levels in children. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 7Mar.2025];47(6):278-2. Available from:
Received 2016-09-02
Accepted 2016-09-02
Published 2016-09-24