Benefits of gum arabic supplementation to oral rehydration solution in managing acute diarrhea

  • Hasri Salwan
  • Isnada Isnada
  • Achirul Bakri
  • Rusdi Ismail
  • Erial Bahar
Keywords: ORS, acute diarrhoea, gum arabic, supplementation, effectiveness study


Background Oral rehydration solution (ORS) has been proven
successfully to overcome dehydration in diarrhea. The improvement
of the effectiveness of ORS is still needed to overcome some failures.
Gum Arabic (GA), an indigestable starch, can enhance ORS
absorption in mice with diarrhea. It is worthy to explore its benefits
in human. Since GA is non toxic to human being, it is regarded
ethical to conduct effectiveness study directly in clinical setting.
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of GA supplementation
to ORS in managing inpatients diarrheal cases .
Methods A double blind clinical trial was conducted during March
to September 2004 in the Department of Child Health of M. Hoesin
Hospital, Palembang. The subjects were randomly enrolled to GA-
ORS (GA) group or ORS (SO) group. Indirect measurements were
conducted on ORS absorptive enhancement by evaluating the
duration of diarrhea after hospitalization, frequency of defecation
during hospitalization, ORS consumption during hospitalization,
and time laps of stool consistency conversion. The effectiveness
analysis was controlled for confounders.
Results Supplementation of 0.5 gram GA to 200 ml ORS could decrease
the duration of diarrhoea 15.65 hours (P=0.000) during hospitalisation,
frequency of defecation during hospitalization 1.171 times/days
(P=0.002), ORS consumption 38.39 ml/kg BW (P=0.029), time of
stool consistency to become semisolid 15.84 hours (P=0.000), and
become solid 14.45 hours (P=0.002). Vomiting during hospitalization
and aged group of 6-11 months were significant confounder. However,
after controlling the outcome with these confounding factors, the
benefits of GA supplementation were still significant.
Conclusions GA supplementation to ORS significantly shorten
the duration of diarrhea, decreases the frequency of defecation,
consumption of ORS, time of stool consistency to become
semisolid and solid in inpatients diarrheal cases.

Author Biographies

Hasri Salwan
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya
University, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Isnada Isnada
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya
University, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Achirul Bakri
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya
University, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Rusdi Ismail
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Sriwijaya
University, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia
Erial Bahar
Department of Child Health, Health Research
Unit, Medical School, Sriwijaya University, Mohammad Hoesin Hospital, Palembang, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Salwan H, Isnada I, Bakri A, Ismail R, Bahar E. Benefits of gum arabic supplementation to oral rehydration solution in managing acute diarrhea. PI [Internet]. 24Sep.2016 [cited 14Mar.2025];47(6):265-. Available from:
Received 2016-09-02
Accepted 2016-09-02
Published 2016-09-24