Delayed cord clamping for prevention of iron deficiency anemia in term infants

  • Olga Rasiyanti Siregar Department of Child Health, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School/ H.Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Bugis Lubis Department of Child Health, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School/ H.Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Muara Lubis Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School/ H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Bidasari Lubis Department of Child Health, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School/ H.Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Guslihan Dasa Tjipta Department of Child Health, University of Sumatera Utara Medical School/ H.Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Keywords: delayed cord clamping, iron deficiency anemia, term infants


Background Iron deficiency childhood is a concern due to its potentially detrimental effects
on development, some of which may be irreversible even after iron
treatment. Delayed cord clamping may prevent IDA by increasing
an infant's iron reserve at birth.
Objective We aimed to evaluate the effect of delayed umbilical
cord clamping at birth on the iron status in newborns at age 24
hours of life.
Methods This randomized, singleô€’blind study was conducted from
March to May 2009, at two general hospitals in Medan, North
Sumatera Province. Eligible newborn infants were randomly
assigned to one of two groups: early cord clamping (Eee)
performed 15 seconds after delivery or delayed cord clamping
(DeC) performed 2 minutes after delivery. Infants were placed on
their mothers' abdomens before the umbilical cords were clamped.
Hematologic status was determined from umbilical cord blood.
Results Sixtyô€’three subjects were included in our study, consisting
of31 infants in the Eee group and 32 infants in the Dec group.
We found that mean neonatal hemoglobin level was higher in
the Dec group than in the Eee group ( 18.4 g% and 16.2 g%,
respectively, P=O.OOOl). Also, mean ferritin level was higher in
the Dec group than in the Eee group (556 mg/dL and 329 mg/
dL, respectively, p=o.o 15). Other hematological status indicators,
including mean hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume (MeV)
level, were also higher in the Dec group. However, mean red
blood cell levels were not significantly groups. Nor was there a significant level between the Dec and Eee groups.
Concl usion Dela y ed cord c l a m p i n g m a y improve iron
status and prevent IDA in term infants. [Paediatr Indones.


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How to Cite
Siregar O, Lubis B, Lubis M, Lubis B, Tjipta G. Delayed cord clamping for prevention of iron deficiency anemia in term infants. PI [Internet]. 31Aug.2012 [cited 12Mar.2025];52(4):223-. Available from:
Received 2016-08-31
Accepted 2016-08-31
Published 2012-08-31