Head circumference and anterior fontanel measurements in newborns

  • Rizal Agus Tiansyah Department of Child Health, University ofIndonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Irawan Mangunatmadja Department of Child Health, University ofIndonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Aman Pulungan Department of Child Health, University ofIndonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: newborns, anterior fontanel, head circumference, gestational age, birth weight


Background Head growth and anterior fontanel (AP) closure
are passive processes in response to brain growth. The growth
of the brain and skull starts in the third week of intrauterine
gestation. roth processes run simultaneously as a part of integral
growth, along 'With increasing gestational age, until post􀀿birth.
Measurement of head circumference (He) and AF in newborns
is done to determine if the brain and skull grew normally during
the intrauterine period.
Objectives To investigate the differences in He and AF size
between preterm and full􀀿term infants, and the relationship
between gestational age (GA) and birth weight (BW) to He
and AF size.
Methods This was a descriptive analytic study on preterm and
full􀀿term newborns. Measurement of HC and AF was conducted
in three phases: just after birth, 1x24 and 2x24 hours of age.
Analysis of HC and AF size differences between preterm and full
term subjects was performed, as well as analysis of the correlation
between GA and BW to HC and AF size.
Results Two hundred fifty newborns completed the study. There
were 180 full􀀿term and 70 preterm subjects. Median HC in full􀀿
term and preterm male subjects were 34 cm (range 31􀀿37 cm)
and 31 cm (27􀀿34 cm), respectively. Median HC in full􀀿term
and preterm female subjects were 33 cm (31􀀿36 cm) and 32 cm
(27􀀿3S.S cm), respectively. Median AF in full􀀿term and preterm
male subjects were 2.17 cm (1.0SA.6 cm) and 2.22 cm (1.3SA.S
cm), respectively, and in full􀀿term and preterm female subjects
were 2.02 cm (lA.1S cm) and 2.22 cm (0.7SA cm), respectively.
The HC of preterms were significantly lower than the fullterms
(P<O.OOl), however the AF size was not different between these
2 groups of newborns (P =0 .28). Correlation test between GA and
BW to HC size revealed a positive correlation (r=0.620, P<O.OO 1
and r=0.801, P<O.OOl, respectively), but not to AF size (r=􀀿 0.06,
pô€€ 0.279 and F- 0.049, Pô€€0.44, respectively).
Concl usions We found that the HC size of pre terms was
significantly lower than thefullterms, but no significant differences 

in AF size between the two groups. GA and BW were associated
with HC size, but not associated to AF size. [paediatr lndones.


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How to Cite
Tiansyah R, Mangunatmadja I, Pulungan A. Head circumference and anterior fontanel measurements in newborns. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2012 [cited 7Mar.2025];52(3):145-1. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/381
Received 2016-08-30
Accepted 2016-08-30
Published 2012-06-30