Variables associated with malondialdehyde level in thalassemia major patients

  • Arum Gunarsih Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Pustika Amalia Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Imam Boediman Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: thalassemia, oxidative stress, ferritin, malondialdehyde


BackgmundThalassemia is the most cormnon hereditary haemolytic
anaemia in the world, including in Indonesia. The main treatment
for thalassemia is regular transfusions, but these are knO\vn to cause
iron overload. Moreover, iron overload in jJô€®thalassemia patients
generates oxygen free radicals and peroxidative lipid injury. Ferritin
serum concentration is used as indirect measurement of iron overload.
Malondialdehyde (MDA), a terminal compound oflipid peroxidation,
is used as an index of oxidative stress status.
Objective To assess the correlation between iron overload (serum
ferritin level) and MDA as a marker of oxidative stress in thalassemia
major patients.
Methods This c rossô€®sectional study was conducted at Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, from Mayô€®June 2009. Subjects
were thalassemia major patients (homozygous jJô€®thalassemia or
jJô€®thalassemia;HbE) who received regular blood transfusions, ironô€®
chelation, and vitamin E as an antioxidant. Data was collected by hisô€®
toryô€®taking, physical examination, medical records, and questionnaires.
Blocd specimens were dra\Vll from the thalassemia major subjects before
transfusion and examined for serum ferritin and MDA levels.
Results Fiftyô€®five subjects Mth thalassemia major (34 homozygous
jJô€®thalassemia and 21 jJô€®thalassemia;HbE) were included in our
study. Mean serum ferritin level was 3693.2 (SD 21423),ug/L and
me811 MDA level was 0.641 (SD 0.283) nmolimL. No cor relation
was found between serum ferritin and MDA levels in thalassemia
major subjects (r=0.147, P=0.285). As additional results, this study
also showed no correlation between MDA to reguler vitamin E
consumption (r=0.277, P=0.028) as well as MDA and nutritional
status (F0371, Pô€¯0.()J4).
Conclusion There was no cor relation between serum ferritin level
and plasma MDA level in thalassemia major subjects, no cor relations
between MDA and regular vitamin E consumption, as well as MDA
and nutritional status. [paediatr Indones. 2012;52:125,31].


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How to Cite
Gunarsih A, Amalia P, Boediman I. Variables associated with malondialdehyde level in thalassemia major patients. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2012 [cited 23Jan.2025];52(3):125-1. Available from:
Received 2016-08-30
Accepted 2016-08-30
Published 2012-06-30