Methisoprinol for children with early phase dengue infection: a pilot study

  • Melissa G. Ompico Department of Pediatrics, Saint Louis University/Hospital of the Sacred Heart (SLU HSH)
Keywords: Dengue, leukopenia, methisoprinol, thrombocytopenia


Background Dengue fever is associated with many health
complications and medical costs. Furthermore, there is currently
no approved dengue antiviral medication or vaccine. Empiric
evidence has suggested that patients who received supplemental
methisoprinol therapy had faster recovery times and fewer
complications .
Objective To detennine the effects of oral methisoprinol on the
clinical course and laboratory findings of children with early phase
dengue infection.
Methods We conducted a randomized, double-blind study from
June to September 2012 on 22 children aged 2.7-16.8 years with
laboratory-confirmed early dengue infection. Subjects had not
previously received antithrombotic agents, nor did they have
bleeding disorders or immunodeficiency. We randomized the
subjects to receive either oral methisoprinol (100 mg/kg BW/day,
divided into four doses) or placebo for 72 hours, with 11 subjects
per group. The primary endpoint was fever clearance time (FCT),
and secondary endpoints were platelet nadii; white blood cell
(WBC) nadii; maximum hemoconcentration, length of hospital
stay, and development of complications .
Results The mean decrease in WBC count was less with
methisoprinol than with placebo [1.14 (SD 0.84) vs 2.60 (SD 3.12)
x [09 /L; P = 0.004]. In addition, the mean decrease in platelet count
was less in patients on methisoprinol [38.36 (SD 58.3) vs. 50.46 (SD
73.42) x 109/L; P=0.046]. No significant differences between the
two groups were found for FCT (P=0.158), length ofhospital stay
(P=0.511), hemoconcentration, or dengue complications.
Conclusion Methisoprinol initiated at an early phase in dengue
infection reduced the anticipated leukopenia by 56% and
thrombocytopenia by 24%. Hence it can be used along with
standard approved fluid and antipyretic therapy.


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How to Cite
Ompico M. Methisoprinol for children with early phase dengue infection: a pilot study. PI [Internet]. 30Dec.2013 [cited 20Jan.2025];53(6):320-. Available from:
Received 2016-08-29
Accepted 2016-08-29
Published 2013-12-30