Cri-du-chat syndrome

  • Eka Agustia Rini
  • R. Trin Suciati
Keywords: Cri-du-chat syndrome


Cri-du-chat syndrome (CDCS) is a rare chromosomal disorder, refers to a unique combination of physical and mental characteristics associated with a loss of genetic material on the distal short arm of the fifth chromosome.1 The incidence of CDCS is between 1:25,000 to 1:50,000 births. The prevalence among individuals with mental retardation is about 1.5 in 1000.2 A significant female predominance exists in affected newborns, with a male-to-female ratio of 0.72.2

Subtle dysmorphism with neonatal complications and a high-pitched cry typically initiate diagnostic evaluation by cytogenetic studies. 2,3 Currently,
there is no cure for cri-du-chat syndrome. The most successful approach in the management of children with CDCS requires a multidisciplinary team approach. 4 The case presented below will remind us how to reveal, suspect and diagnose Cri-Du-Chat syndrome, a rare case in pediatric.

Author Biographies

Eka Agustia Rini
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Andalas
University, M Jamil Hospital, Padang, Indonesia.
R. Trin Suciati
Department of Child Health, Medical School, Andalas
University, M Jamil Hospital, Padang, Indonesia.


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2. Chen Harold. Cri du chat syndrome. Cited 2005 May 20.
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3. Wiedemann HR, Kunze J, Grosse FR. Cri du chat syndrome.
In: Almond G, editor. Clinical syndrome. 3 rd ed. Mosby-
Wolfe; 1997. p. 102-3.
4. Smith DW, Jones KL. 5p- Syndrome. In: Markowitz M, editor.
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5. Cornish K, Bramble D. Cri Du Chat (“cry of the cat”)
Syndrome. Cited 2005 May 15. available from: url: http://
6. Overhauser J, Huang X, Gersh M, Wilson W, McMahon J,
Benqtsson U, et al. Molecular and phenotypic mapping of
the short arm of chromosome 5: sub localization of the
critical region for the cri-du-chat syndrome. Human mol
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7. Gersh M, Goodart SA, Pasztor LM, Harris DJ, Weiss L, Overhauser
J. Evidence for a distinct region causing a cat like cry in patients
with 5p deletion. Am J Human Genet 1995;56:1404-10.
8. Baccichetti C, Lenzini E, Artifoni L, Caufin D, Marangoni P.
Terminal deletion of the short arm of chromosom 5. Clin
Genet. 1988;34:219-23.
How to Cite
Rini E, Suciati R. Cri-du-chat syndrome. PI [Internet]. 1Jul.2007 [cited 14Mar.2025];47(3):136-. Available from:
Case Report
Received 2016-08-25
Accepted 2016-08-25
Published 2007-07-01