Correlation between brain injury biomarkers and Glasgow coma scale in pediatric sepsis

  • Nahari Arifin the Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Irawan Mangunatmadja the Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Antonius Pudjiadi the Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Sudung O. Pardede the Department of Child Health, University of lndonesia Medical School/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: pediatric sepsis, brain injury biomarkers, neuron specific enolase, protein S-1 OOB, Glasgow coma scale


Background Sepsis in children, with or without multiple organ
failure, causes increased susceptibility to brain injury due to
systemic insults. Brain injury in sepsis is difficult to recognize
clinically. Neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-lOOB have been
extensively studied in brain injuries and appear to be promising
alternative biomarkers.
Objectives To determine if there is a correlation between the
Glasgow coma scale (GCS) and NSE as well as S-lOOB levels, in
children with sepsis.
Methods We performed an analytical study on septic children
aged > 2 years. GCS scores were assessed on the first and third
days of admission. Blood specimens to test for NSE and S-lOOB
were drawn on the first day of admission and stored at -70QC for
further analysis at the end of the study.
Results Out of 35 patients, 30 met the inclusion criteria. Postanalysis,
one subject with NSE above the maximum level was
excluded. Negative correlations were found between GCS score
and NSE, as well as between GCS and S-lOOB levels. Analysis
revealed a significant ROC for NSE, but not for S-lOOB. NSE
concentration of 8.1 /.lg/L was the cut-off point for GCS scores
below 12.
Conclusions There were negative correlations between GCS
and NSE levels, as well as between GCS and S- lOOB levels. The
predictive value ofNSE level was a cut-off point of 8.1 /.lg/L for
GCS scores below 12. [Paediatr lndones. 2012;52:111-17]


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How to Cite
Arifin N, Mangunatmadja I, Pudjiadi A, Pardede S. Correlation between brain injury biomarkers and Glasgow coma scale in pediatric sepsis. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2012 [cited 23Feb.2025];52(2):111-7. Available from:
Received 2016-08-22
Accepted 2016-08-22
Published 2012-04-30