Pediatric logistic organ dysfunction score as a predictive tool of dengue shock syndrome outcomes

  • Lola Purnama Dewi the Department of Child Health, Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta
  • Eka Nurfitri the Department of Child Health, Fatmawati Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: PELOD, shack, dengue haemnrrhagic fever


Background The pediatric logistic organ dysfunction (PELOD)
score is widely used as a predictive tool of patient outcomes
in pediatrics intensive care unit (PICU) settings, including
for dengue shock syndrome (DSS) patients. We evaluated the
predictive value of PELOD scores in DSS patients taken within
the first hours after PICU admission.
Objective To evaluate the usefulness of PELOD scores taken
in day 1 of PICU admission for predicting outcomes in DSS
Methods We included 81 DSS subjects admitted to the PICU
between April 2006 - October 2009 by consecutive sampling.
There were 12 children under 12 months of age, 48 children 1- 5
years of age, and 21 children above 5 years of age enrolled in the
study. PELOD calculations were performed as set out by original
articles, using the published formula.
Results0fthe81PICUpatients,15 (18.5%) died. The estimated,
predicted mortality using PELOD scores were 43% for infants
under 12 months, 12% for children 1 - 5 years, and 10% for
children above 5 years. The actual mortality rates were 58.3%
(7 subjects) for infants under 12 months, 10.4% (5 subjects) for
children 1-5 years, and 14.3% (3 subjects) for children above 5
years. In patients who died, PELOD indicated the most common
organ problems to be hepatic disorders (SGOT/SGPT > 950 IU!L)
and haematologic disorders (prothrombin time, INR > 1.65) in 8
(53.3%) subjects and 9 (60%) subjects, respectively.
Conclusion PELOD scores from subjects taken on day 1 of PICU
admission can be used to predict mortality outcome. [Paediatr
lndones. 2012;5 2: 72-7].


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How to Cite
Dewi L, Nurfitri E. Pediatric logistic organ dysfunction score as a predictive tool of dengue shock syndrome outcomes. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2012 [cited 23Feb.2025];52(2):72-7. Available from:
Received 2016-08-22
Accepted 2016-08-22
Published 2012-04-30