Risk factors of mortality in septicemic extramural neonates: an experience from resource limited setting of central India

  • Rajkumar Motiram Meshram Government Medical College Nagpur,
  • Kalyani S Kadu Government Medical College, Nagpur
Keywords: Extramural neonates, Outborns, Risk factors of mortality, sepsis, and sepsis related deaths


Background: Sepsis is responsible for 30-40% neonatal deaths which can be attributed to various maternal, neonatal and sociocultural risk factors. Objective: To recognize the clinical and laboratory risk factors of mortality in extramural neonatal sepsis. Material and methods: Prospective observational study was conducted for duration of one year on extramural neonates with suspected sepsis. Maternal, neonatal and sociocultural factors were analyzed. Results: Average duration of hospital stay was shorter in non-survival compared to survival neonates (p=0.01). On univariate analysis preterm (p<0.001), weight<2500gms (p=0.01), home delivery (p=0.004) by Traditional Birth Attendant (p=0.003) , unbooked mother (p=0.03), peripartum febrile illness (p=0.02) and Premature rupture of membrane > 18 hours were the significant risk factors of mortality. Those neonates admitted with lethargy (p=0.04), hypothermia (p=0.01), respiratory distress (p<0.001), convulsion (p<0.0001), Jaundice (p=0.006), Apgar score <5at 1minute (p=0.01) , prolonged CFT (P<0.001), previously hospitalized (p<0.001) ,required mechanical ventilation (p=0.01),had thrombocytopenia (p=0.02), positive CRP (P<0.001), hypoglycemia (p=0.04), oxygen saturation ?90% (p=0.04), abnormal CSF/chest radiograph finding (p=0.002) had significantly higher mortality. Delivery conducted by traditional birth attendant, neonates travelled more than 80km, prematurity, bottle feed, h/o previous hospitalization, h/o lethargy, hypothermia, convulsions, prolonged CFT and isolation of micro-organisim were the independent risk factors of mortality in extramural neonates with sepsis Conclusion: Delivery conducted by traditional birth attendant, neonates  travelled  more than 80km, prematurity, bottle feed, h/o previous hospitalization, h/o lethargy, hypothermia, convulsions, prolonged CFT and isolation of micro-organisim were the independent risk factors of mortality in extramural neonates with sepsis.

Author Biography

Kalyani S Kadu, Government Medical College, Nagpur

Post Graduate Student

Department of pediatrics

Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India


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How to Cite
Meshram R, Kadu K. Risk factors of mortality in septicemic extramural neonates: an experience from resource limited setting of central India. PI [Internet]. 4Apr.2024 [cited 26Oct.2024];64(3):209-7. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/3214
Received 2022-10-17
Accepted 2024-04-04
Published 2024-04-04