IgE-mediated soy protein sensitization in children with cow’s milk allergy

  • Agustina Santi the Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School, Yogyakarta
  • Mohammad Juffrie the Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School, Yogyakarta
  • Sumadiono Sumadiono the Department of Child Health, Gadjah Mada University Medical School, Yogyakarta
Keywords: cow's milk allergy, immunoglobulin E-mediated sensitization to soy protein


Background Soy-based formula as an alternative to cow's milk
formula is preferable to extensively hydrolyzed protein formula
because of the lower cost and more acceptable taste. However,
cow's milk allergy patients can subsequently develop a sensitivity
to soy protein.
Objective To compare soy protein sensitization in children with
and without an allergy to cow's milk.
Methods This study was conducted in Yogyakarta from September
2007 until March 2008. Subjects were children aged below 4
years with an atopic history. Subjects were divided into 2 groups:
those with a positive skin prick test to cow's milk and those
with a negative skin prick test to cow's milk (control group).
Both groups were given soy formula and tested at 6 weeks for
sensitization to soy.
Results There were 45 children in each group. Age, sex, and
atopic history were similar in both groups. We found no soy
protein sensitization (negative skin prick results) in all subjects
from both groups.
Conclusion Risk of immunoglobulin E-mediated sensitization
to soy protein was not proven in children with cow's milk allergy.
[Paediatr lndones. 2012;52:67-71).


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How to Cite
Santi A, Juffrie M, Sumadiono S. IgE-mediated soy protein sensitization in children with cow’s milk allergy. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2012 [cited 23Feb.2025];52(2):67-1. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/321
Received 2016-08-22
Accepted 2016-08-22
Published 2012-04-30