Prevalence of insulin resistance in obese adolescents

  • Aman B. Pulungan Department of Child Health, University of Indon esia Medical School
  • Ardita Puspitadewi Department of Child Health, University of Indon esia Medical School
  • Rini Sekartini Department of Child Health, University of Indon esia Medical School
Keywords: Obese adolescents, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome


Background Childhood obesity is a global health problem, with
the prevalence is differed in each country and affected by many
factors, such as lifestyle and physical activity. Insulin resistance
(IR) as a basic mechanism of several metabolic diseases in obesity,
is related with metabolic syndrome (MetS) along with its long
term complications, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).
Several factors are known to be associated with IR, and the
presence of acanthosis nigricans (AN) has an important meaning
in predicting IR.
Objectives To assess the prevalence of IR, MetS in obese
adolescents and its potentially associated factors, such as gender,
signs of AN, and family history of metabolic diseases.
Methods A cross-sectional study was performed in obese
adolescents, aged 12-15 years, over a two-month period. Fasting
blood glucose, insulin, and lipid profiles were measured. Obesity
was defined using body mass index (BMI). Insulin resistance
was quantified by the homeostasis model assessment for IR
(HOMA-IR) . Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2007 criteria.
Results Of92 obese adolescents, IR was found in 38% of subjects,
with females predominating (57.2%). Signs of AN were seen in
71. 4% of subj ects and a positive family history of metabolic diseases
was found in 82.8% of subjects, including family history of obesity,
type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), and hypertension. Less than
10% of subjects were considered to be in a prediabetic state, and
none had T2DM. No statistical significance was found between
gender, family history, or signs of AN and IR (P>0.05). Metabolic
syndromes was found in 19.6% of subjects, with the fo llowing
prevalences for each component: 34.8% for hypertension, 78.3%
for central obesity, 8.7% for impaired fasting glucose (IFG), 22.8%
for low levels of HDL, and 2 1. 7% for high triglyceride levels. A
strong correlation was found between IR and IFG with OR= 5 .69
(95%CI 1.079 ~ 29.993, P= D.04).
Conclusion We find a high prevalence ofIRin obese adolescents,
and IR increases the risk of prediabetes. Thus, prevention strategies are needed to overcome the long term impact of obesity on health.


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How to Cite
Pulungan A, Puspitadewi A, Sekartini R. Prevalence of insulin resistance in obese adolescents. PI [Internet]. 30Jun.2013 [cited 12Mar.2025];53(3):167-2. Available from:
Received 2016-08-21
Accepted 2016-08-21
Published 2013-06-30