Recurrent abdominal pain in adolescents with anxiety and depression disorders

  • Fastralina Fastralina Department of Child Health, University of North Sumatera Medical School/H. Adam Malik Hospital
  • Sri Sofyani Department of Child Health, University of North Sumatera Medical School/H. Adam Malik Hospital
  • M. Joesoef Simbolon Department of Child Health, University of North Sumatera Medical School/H. Adam Malik Hospital
  • Iskandar Z. Lubis Department of Child Health, University of North Sumatera Medical School/H. Adam Malik Hospital
Keywords: anxiety disorders, depression disorders, recurrent abdominal pain


Background Anxiety and depression disorders in adolescents
may affect their academic performances and social functioning
at school. Adolescents with these disorders sometimes develop
recurrent abdominal pain (RAP).
Objective To assess the occurence of recurrent abdominal pain
among adolescents with anxiety and depression disorders
Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study from August
to September 2009 in 12-18 year-old adolescents from 3 junior
high schools and 3 senior high schools in Secanggang Subdistrict,
Langkat District, North Sumatera Province. We screened 960
adolescents. Subjects were selected by consecutive sampling
and instructed to fill the child behavior checklist (CBCL) and
children's depression inventory (CDI) forms. Those with suspected
anxiety/depression (CBCL score 2: 12 for boys and 2: 14 for girls)
and those with suspected depression (CDI score 2: 13) were then
examined by a psychiatrist. Adolescents diagnosed with anxiety or
depression disorders were instructed to fill the RAP questionnaire
based on Apley and Naish criteria.
Results From the CBCL and CDI forms, 250 students were
suspected of having anxiety and/or depression. From these,
144 students participated in this study. Of the 84 students with
anxiety disorders, 60 (71.4%) students suffered from RAP. Of
the 60 students with depression disorders, 31 (51 %) suffered
from RAP.
Conclusion Adolescents with anxiety or depression are more
likely to have recurrent abdominal pain.


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How to Cite
Fastralina F, Sofyani S, Simbolon M, Lubis I. Recurrent abdominal pain in adolescents with anxiety and depression disorders. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.2013 [cited 12Mar.2025];53(1):16-0. Available from:
Received 2016-08-18
Accepted 2016-08-18
Published 2013-02-28