Cerebral Palsy in Y .P .A. C. (Institution for Crippled Children) Semarang

  • Soelatin Winarno Department of Child Health, Universitas Diponegoro Medical School/Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Central Java
  • Oemar Wirjohatmodjo Department of Child Health, Universitas Diponegoro Medical School/Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Central Java
  • Harijono Harijono Unit Diponegoro - Nutrition Research Institute, Ministry of Htlalth, Jakarta
  • Siti Alfinah Department of Child Health, Universitas Diponegoro Medical School/Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Central Java
  • Wirawan Wirawan Unit Diponegoro - Nutrition Research Institute, Ministry of Htlalth, Jakarta
Keywords: cerebral palsy; crippled children; muscle relaxant; physiotherapy; surgery


Thirty-five cases of cerebral palsy patients admitted to the Institution for Crippled Children, Semarang, have been discussed. Diagnosis was made by a team comprising an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, a paediatrician, and a psychologist. Treatment performed consisted of muscle relaxant, physiotherapy, and also surgery. Introduction, material arid method of observation, treatment, sex distribution; classification, speech disturbance, mental status, results of treatment, and comparison with the cases in Bombay, form the sequence of this report.


1. ALLEN, R.M. and JEFFERSON, T.W. : Psychological evaluation of cerebral palsied persons. (Charles C. Thomas Publ., Springfield, III., 1962).
2. GREEN, W.T. : Cited by Holt, K.S. : Assessment of cerebral palsy. (Loyd-Luke, London 1965).
3. HANDOJO, T. : Rehabilitation services for cerebral palsy in Indonesia. (Y.P.A.C., Solo, Indonesia, 1973).
4. HANDOJO, T. : Yayasan Penderita Anak Cacad dan Cerebral Palsy. (Y.P.AC., Solo, Indonesia, 1973).
5. HOLT, K.S.; Assessment of cerebral palsy. (Loyd-Luke, London 1965).
6. LITTLE, W.T. : Cited by llolt, K.S. : Assessment of cerebral palsy. (Loyd-Luke, London 1965).
7. LONGMAN : Cited by Holt, K.S. : Assessment of cerebral palsy. (Loyd-Luke. London 1965).
8. SOEHARSO : Cerebral Palsy (Y.P.A.C., Solo, Indonesia, 1959).
9. YODH, 8.8.; Final report. (Cerebral Palsy Unit, Children's Orthopedic Hospital, Bombay 1970).
How to Cite
Winarno S, Wirjohatmodjo O, Harijono H, Alfinah S, Wirawan W. Cerebral Palsy in Y .P .A. C. (Institution for Crippled Children) Semarang. PI [Internet]. 17Sep.2019 [cited 12Mar.2025];16(9-10):330-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/2307
Pediatric Neurology
Received 2019-09-17
Published 2019-09-17