The Current Prevalence Rate of Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis in lndonesia

  • Sutoto Sutoto Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Jakarta
  • Indriyono Indriyono Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Jakarta
Keywords: soil transmitted helminthiasis; helminthiasis


Surveys on the prevalence rate of soil-transmitted helminthiasis had been done in Indonesia among 12.100 people in 10 provinces at 15 locations in 1990 and 1991. The surveys were meant to obtain data on the recent prevalence rate of soil-transmitted helminthiasis among primary schoolchildren, population in vital productive areas and general community. The results showed that the prevalence rate of Ascaris lumbricoides ranged from 5. 7% to 69.5%, Trichuris trichiura from 0.8% to 53.0% and hookworm from 0% to 24. 7%. The overall prevalence rate of the respective species were 30. 4%, 21.2% and 6.5%. In general, the data of the prevalence rate of soil-transmitted helminthiasis obtained from the recent surveys were lower than those of the surveys done before 1985.


1. Directorate General of CDC & EH, Ministry of Health : Project Report of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis
Control Programme in Indonesia 1984 - 1985, 1986
2. Indriyono : Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis Control Programme in Indonesia, presented in Seminar for Parasite Control Administration for Senior Offecers, Tokyo, 1984.
3. Sutoto and Indriyono : Strategies of SoilTransmitted Helminthiasis Control in the lndonesian Fifth Five-Year Development Plan, Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, 1990
4. Sutoto and Indriyono : The Current Situation of Soil-Transmitted Helminthic Infection and the Counter Measures in Indonesia, presented in the 11th APCO Parasitologists Meeting, Jakarta, 1989
S. Yayasan Kusuma Buana : l.aporan Hasil Pelaksanaan Siklus Penama Kegiatan Pemberantasan Penyakit Cacing di 35 Sekolah Dasar DKI Jakarta, 1987.
How to Cite
Sutoto S, Indriyono I. The Current Prevalence Rate of Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis in lndonesia. PI [Internet]. 30Jan.2019 [cited 16Mar.2025];32(11-12):304-1. Available from:
Infection & Tropical Pediatrics
Received 2019-01-30
Published 2019-01-30