Soluble transferrin receptor levels in obese and non obese adolescents

  • Zul Febrianti Department of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School
  • Fadil Oenzil Department of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School
  • Firman Arbi Department of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School
  • Gustina Lubis Department of Child Health, Andalas University Medical School
Keywords: soluble transferrin receptor, obese adolescents, body mass index, iron deficiency.


Background Iron deficiency in children and adolescents maybe due
to an inadequate supply of iron as well as increased iron requirements
for growth and developmental processes. The incr easing prevalence of
obesity puts children at risk of iron deficiency. Studies on the effects
of obesity on iron deficiency have focused on low grade systemic
inflammation as well as examining soluble transferrin receptor levels
(sTfR) as an indicator ofiron deficiency.
Objective To compare sT fR levels in obese and non-obese
adolescents, assess for correlations between BMI, sTfR and obesity,
and determine the risk of iron deficiency in obese adolescents .
Method T his cross sectional study was conducted on 20 obese
and 20 non-obese adolescents aged 15-17 in East Aceh District,
from September to December 20 11. Subject were chosen through
cluster sampling. The obese subjects had BMI > 95th percentile
and the non-obese subjects had BMI s:851h percentile based on
the 2000 National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Exclusion
criteria were blood disorders, chronic diseases, and a history of
bleeding. Data were analyzed by Chi-square test and T test with
a significance level of P < 0.05, and Pearson's correlation.
Results The mean s TfR levels in obese adolescents was higher than
in non-obese adolescents, [2.59 (SD 0.76) vs 2.14 (SD 0.45) μg/mL
(P = 0.030)]. Iron deficiency (sTfR> 2.5 μgimL) was more common
in obese than in non-obese adolescents [ (55% vs . 15%, respectively,
(P = 0.019) ]. Analysis of the relationship between obesity according
to BMI andsTfRrevealedan OR of 6.93; 95% CI 1.53 to3 1.38. The
r elationship between the BMI and sTfR levels indicated a positive,
moderate strength of association (r = 0.392) .
Conclusion The mean sT fR levels in obese adolescents is significantly
higher than in non-obese individuals. Obese adolescents
have a 6.93 times higher risk of iron deficiency than non-obese
adolescents. Body mass index has a positive and moderate association
with sTfR.


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How to Cite
Febrianti Z, Oenzil F, Arbi F, Lubis G. Soluble transferrin receptor levels in obese and non obese adolescents. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2014 [cited 27Jan.2025];54(2):77-1. Available from:
Received 2016-08-17
Accepted 2016-08-17
Published 2014-04-30