Trichobezoar in Two Children

  • E. M. Halimun Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta
  • E. Kandouw Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta
  • A. Arianto Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta
  • S. Safiun Harapan Kita Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: trichobezoar; trichophagia; emotional tension


Two cases of trichobezoar in females of 11 and 12 years respectively have been presented. Trichophagia as a common habit or it could be a sign of emotional tension. Etiological clues should be sought and the underlying stress be removed and ameliorated.


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How to Cite
Halimun E, Kandouw E, Arianto A, Safiun S. Trichobezoar in Two Children. PI [Internet]. 28Jan.2019 [cited 12Mar.2025];32(3-4):90-. Available from:
Received 2019-01-28
Published 2019-01-28