Complication of Early Banana Feeding in Neonates

  • E. M. Halimun Department of Surgery Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Joko Sunyoto Department of Surgery Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • S. K. Hutomo Department of Surgery Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Oen L. H. Department of Biochemistry, Harapan Kita Children & Maternity Hospital, Jakarta
  • V. Yuwono Department of Pathology, Harapan Kita Children & Maternity Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: early introduction; newborn; gastric perforation; NEC; phytobezoar


Early introduction of banana in newborn babies is still practiced by many mothers from different areas throughout the country and gastric perforation due to phytobezoars are sttll a problem tn the country.

During the years 1984 through 1991 at the Children and Maternity Hospital Harapan Kita jakarta, fifteen neonates were treated for gastric perforation among which 6 were due to banana bezoar, 6 were due to deject of the gastric muscle, 2 were due to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and 1 was due to iatrogenic duodenal obstruction.

Pathogenesis of gastric perforation due to phytobezoar and the macroscopic and histopathological appearance of the perforation and its differences with perforations due to other causes were discussed.


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How to Cite
Halimun E, Sunyoto J, Hutomo S, H. O, Yuwono V. Complication of Early Banana Feeding in Neonates. PI [Internet]. 12Dec.2018 [cited 9Mar.2025];33(3-4):59-3. Available from:
Received 2018-12-12
Published 2018-12-12