Relationship between small for gestational age and aortic intima-media thickness in newborns

  • Ahmad Bayu Alfarizi Department of Child Health, Sriwijaya University Medical School
  • Ria Nova Department of Child Health, Sriwijaya University Medical School
  • Julniar Mawardi Tasli Department of Child Health, Sriwijaya University Medical School
  • Theodorus Theodorus Department of Child Health, Sriwijaya University Medical School
Keywords: Small for gestational age, aortic intima-media thickness, newborns ine, sulfadoxinepyrimethamine.


Background Small for gestational age (SGA) has been associated
with adult cardiovascular disease. Small for gestational age
newborns may undergo early aortic wall intima-media thickening
(aIMT) in utero.
Objective To determine the relationship between SGA as a risk
factor for increased aIMT, as a sign of atherosclerosis onset.
Methods We conducted a case-control study in the Neonatal Ward
and Rooming-in Nursery at Dr. Mohammad Hoesin Hospital,
Palembang, between April to June 2012. Subjects were allocated
to either the case group (aIMT 2: 0.9 mm) or to the control
group (aIMT <0.9 mm). Newborns were classified as SGA if
their birthweight (BW) was < l O'h percentile, and appropriate
for gestational age (AGA) if their BW was between lQth - 90'h
percentile, according to the Lubchenco curve. Abdominal aortic
intima-media thickness was measured by echocardiography
Results The case and control groups consisted of 30 n ewborns
each. The proportion of SGA newborns was higher in the case
group than the control group. The likelihood of infants in the case
group being SGA was significantly higher compared to the control
group, with odds ratio of 10.8 (95%CI 3,26 to 35, 72) . The mean
aIMT was significantly higher in SGA than in AGA infants, 0.9
(SD 0.16) mm vs. 0.8 (SD 0.13) mm, respectively, with a mean
difference of 0, 13 (9 5% CI 0, 050 to 0,209 mm; P"" 0,02).
Conclusion Increased aIMT is more likely found in SGA newborns.


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How to Cite
Alfarizi A, Nova R, Tasli J, Theodorus T. Relationship between small for gestational age and aortic intima-media thickness in newborns. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.2014 [cited 12Mar.2025];54(1):57-1. Available from:
Received 2016-08-16
Accepted 2016-08-16
Published 2014-02-28