Breastfeeding practices in mothers: a qualitative study

  • Nanis S. Marzuki the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
  • Elizabeth Yohmi the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
  • Eveline Nainggolan the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
  • Badriul Hegar the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
  • Hanifah Oswari the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
  • I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Partiwi the Breastfeeding Task Force of Indonesian Pediatric Society
Keywords: breastfeeding, breastfeeding practice, infant feeding,


Background Despite the WHO and UNICEF recorrunendations, the well-known breastfeeding benefits, and the efforts to promote and support breastfeeding; exclusive breastfeeding by Indonesian mothers remains low and contributes to high infant mortality rates.

Objective To elucidate the fac tors that influence mothers' choices for infant feeding

Methods This qualitative study was conducted as part of a nationwide survey. The study included 36 in-depth interviews of mothers with infants aged 0-11 months, and health care professionals, including general practitioners, pediatricians, and midwives. This study was performed between 0 cto ber - November 2 0 l 0 in both rural and urban areas of 4 provinces in Indon esia.

Results We found that most mothers intended to breastfeed and had positive perceptions of breastfeeding. However, mothers faced many challenges in the practice of exclusive and proper breastfeeding. Additionally, the perceived definition of exclusive breastfeeding varied among the participants, leading 
to n on-exclusive breastfeeding attitudes. The most frequent reasons for mothers to introduce additional milk formula or food were the perception of an inadequate milk supply, infant dissatisfaction or fu ssiness after feeding. Different perceptions were also demonstrated in different regions and the varying levels of socioeconomic status. Health care practitioners (HCPs) were the most reliable source for giving adequate information, but unfortunately, they were not easily accessible and provided inconsistent information. Consequently, closely-related family members were the major contributors of information to a mother's
choice of infant feeding; because they were easily accessible.

Conclusion Factors influencing mothers in their breastfeeding practices are their basic knowledge, demographic and socioeconomic status, as well as the availability of support from closelyrelated
family members, friends, and HCPs.


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How to Cite
Marzuki N, Yohmi E, Nainggolan E, Hegar B, Oswari H, Partiwi IGA. Breastfeeding practices in mothers: a qualitative study. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.2014 [cited 12Mar.2025];54(1):35-1. Available from:
Received 2016-08-16
Accepted 2016-08-16
Published 2014-02-28