Some Risk Factors for Low Birthweight Infants at Manado Hospital

  • S. M. Salendu W. Perinasia Branch North Sulawesi
  • Sutomo Raharjo Department of Child Health, Universitas Sam Ratulangi/Gunung Wenang Hospital, Manado, North Sulawesi
  • Immanuel Mustadjab Department of Child Health, Universitas Sam Ratulangi/Gunung Wenang Hospital, Manado, North Sulawesi
  • Nan Warouw Department of Child Health, Universitas Sam Ratulangi/Gunung Wenang Hospital, Manado, North Sulawesi
Keywords: low birth weight; hypertension in pregnancy; parity; history of abortion


The risk factors of low birthweight infants were assessed in a retrospective study covering 3607 singleton livebirth infants at Manado Hospital from January until December 1993. The analysis confirmed that patterns of risk birthweight hypertension in pregnancy (P<0.01), maternal education (P<0.01), maternal age (P<0.05), and parity (P<0.01), marital status (P<0.01), history of abortion (P<0.05), and parity (P<0.01). Anemia in pregnancy was also associated with birthweight in low birth weight (P<0.05). Asymetric intrauterine growth retardation (Ponderal Index below 2.32) was found both in premature and term infants.


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How to Cite
W. SM, Raharjo S, Mustadjab I, Warouw N. Some Risk Factors for Low Birthweight Infants at Manado Hospital. PI [Internet]. 30Oct.2018 [cited 31Mar.2025];35(3-4):94-00. Available from:
Received 2018-10-30
Published 2018-10-30