Diagnosis and Management of Brain Tumors in Children

  • Taslim S. Soetomenggolo Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Hardiono Pusponegoro Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Jimmy Passat Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Dwi Putro Widodo Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
  • Sofyan Ismael Department of Child Health, Universitas Indonesia Medical School/Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta
Keywords: brain tumors; malignancy; solid tumors; nausea; vomiting; papiledema; astrocytomas; medulloblastomas


Brain tumors are the second most common malignancy and the most common solid tumors found in childhood. During 11 months 19 patients with brain tumors were hospitalized at the Department of Child Health, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusurno Hospital, Jakarta, 10 of them were males. The youngest patient was 5 months old and the oldest was 13 years old. The important signs and symptoms in establishing diagnosis were the non-localizing signs and symptoms, i.e., nausea and vomiting. The most frequent localizing signs and symptoms were papilledema, cranial nerves palsy, ataxia and incoordination, hemiparesis, visual disturbances, and optic atrophy. Focal seizures were rare.

Most of the tumors were in infratentorial region, and metastatic tumors were rare. The mortality of this series was high due to the severity of the disease. The most frequent of tumors are astrocytomas and medulloblastomas.


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How to Cite
Soetomenggolo T, Pusponegoro H, Passat J, Widodo D, Ismael S. Diagnosis and Management of Brain Tumors in Children. PI [Internet]. 8Oct.2018 [cited 16Mar.2025];35(7-8):185-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1984
Pediatric Neurology
Received 2018-10-08
Published 2018-10-08