Cooperation Between Health Programmers and Health Professionals : A CDD Experience

  • Sutoto Sutoto Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Jakarta
  • Indriyono Indriyono Directorate General CDC & EH, Ministry of Health, Jakarta
Keywords: CDD; control of diarrhoeal diseases;


Just like many other health programmes, the success of the Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases (CDD) programme has to rely on the cooperation and coordination with other health programmes or non-health programmes. This cooperation is usually referred to as a cross programme or a cross sectoral activities. The COD programme in Indonesia is managed by the Subdirectorate of Diarrhoea under the Directorate General for Communicable Disease Control and Environmental Health. According to the Decree of the Minister of Health No. 558 of 1984 the Subdirectorate of Diarrhea is designed to plan, implement and evaluate COD programme. Diarrhoea is still considered to be a major public health problem due to its high mortality and morbidity.


1. Directorate General of CDC & EH: "Guidelines ojCDD Research Works" Jakarta, 1988 (in Indonesian).
2. Directorate General of CDC & EH:'Policies aj CDD Programme in the Fifth Five Year Development Plan', Jakarta, 1989 (in Indonesian).
3. Directorate General an CDC & EH and Department of Child Health, Medical School of Udayana University: "Workshop in First Stage Evaluation and Improvement of MEDIAC Implementation, Ubud, 31 August - 2 September 1989" (in Indonesian).
4. Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia: "Diarrhoea, its problems and control", Jakarta, 1975 (in Indonesian).
5. PRITECH/WHO, Medical Education Project Draft: "Medical Education for Diarrhoea Control, Vol I, April 1988.
6. Sutoto: "Development of Oral Rehydration Treatment Activities: As a basis of CDD Programme". Proceedings of the 11th Regular Scientific Meeting of Indonesian Pediatrics Gastroenterology Board (BKGAI), Jakarta, 1989 (in Indonesian).
7. "Warta Diare" No.: 1. I. 1987: "CDD Programme Policies" (in Indonesian).
8. World Health Organization: "Diarrhoea Training Unit Director's Guide and Teaching Materials", 1988.
9. World Health Organization, South East Asian Region: "lfeview of the Programme for the Control of Diarrhoeal Diaseases and the Expanded Programme on Immunization, Indonesia", Report of the Joint Government of Indonesia/ UNICEF/USAID/WHO, 24 November - 13 December 1986.
10. Yogyakarta Diarrhoea Information Center: "Diarrhoea Information Center Activity Report", June 1989.
How to Cite
Sutoto S, Indriyono I. Cooperation Between Health Programmers and Health Professionals : A CDD Experience. PI [Internet]. 16Aug.2018 [cited 6Feb.2025];30(11-12):325-. Available from:
Received 2018-08-16
Published 2018-08-16