Investigation on Immunoglobulin Fortification in Preventing Infections in the Newborn

  • Hans Eldih Monintja Department of Child Health Medical School University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Keywords: immunoglobulin fortification, neonatal sepsis, septic infants


Observations in neonatal sepsis revealed that the lgG concentrations in septic newborns is significantly lower than in non septic infants. This condition lead the author to investigate the role of fortification of lgG in infants with intrapartum infections. For this purpose a prospective study was carried out, 35 newborn infants with intrapartum infections were treated with lgG Cutter 0,6 mg per Kg BW per week and 35 other infants with similar criteria served as control group. The result of the trial showed that /gG administration could help in prevention of minor infections.


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How to Cite
Monintja H. Investigation on Immunoglobulin Fortification in Preventing Infections in the Newborn. PI [Internet]. 20Mar.2018 [cited 6Feb.2025];29(5-6):91-. Available from:
Received 2018-05-14
Published 2018-03-20