Hepatitis C in A Child with Thalassemia

  • Dina Dina Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali Dina, Anky Tri Rini, M. Widia, Sudaryat S
  • Anky Tri Rini Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
  • M. Widia Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
  • Sudaryat S. Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School/Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar, Bali
Keywords: hepatitis C, thalassemia, thalassemia major


We present a case of hepatitis C in a patient with thalassemia major. The transmission seems to be through blood transfusion. The diagnosis of hepatitis C was determined by the presence of anti HCV in serum. Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy gave a satisfactory result and the patient was discharged after showing improvement of both clinical signs and liver function tests. He was suggested for regular examination to evaluate anti HCV and his thalassemia. lt is believed that if anti HCV titer is more than 6 months, hepatitis may become chronic hepatitis C.


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How to Cite
Dina D, Rini A, Widia M, S. S. Hepatitis C in A Child with Thalassemia. PI [Internet]. 27Feb.1995 [cited 3Jul.2024];35(1-2):47-1. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1823
Received 2018-03-23
Accepted 2018-03-23
Published 1995-02-27