Comparison of the accuracy of body temperature measurements with temporal artery thermometer and axillary mercury thermometer in term newborns

  • Markus Gunawan Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
  • Soetjiningsih Soetjiningsih Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
  • I Made Kardana Department of Child Health, Udayana University Medical School, Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar
Keywords: body temperature measurement, temporal artery thermometer, axillary thermometer, healthy term newborn


Background Rectal mercury thermometer (RT) has been
considered to be a clinical thermometer that measures body
temperature close to core temperature. Unfortunately it is relatively
uncomfortable to the patient. Axillary mercury thermometer (AT)
is a relatively safe method, but time consuming and its accuracy
has been questioned. Temporal artery thermometer (TAT) is
relatively a new method that can measure body temperature
faster, and well tolerated.
Objective To compare the accuracy of temperature measurement
between TAT and AT in neonates.
Methods Cross-sectional analytic study was conducted at
Neonatology Division at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. Every healthy
term newborn who met the criteria were measured their body
temperature by using three kinds of thermometer consecutively. The
limits of agreement, correlation and linear regression analysis were
done to find TAT and AT’s agreement and correlation to RT.
Results One hundred and thirty four newborns were enrolled
in this study. TAT had a better agreement to RT with the mean
and RT with correlation coefficient ô€•ô€€ƒô€€ ô€€ƒô€€“ô€€‘ô€€›ô€€šô€€ƒô€€‹ô€“ô€€Ÿô€€“ô€€‘ô€€“ô€€“ô€€”ô€€Œô€€ô€€ƒô€Œô€‘ô€—ô€ˆô€•ô€†ô€ˆô€“ô€—ô€€ƒ
ô€–ô€‹ô€’ô€šô€ˆô€‡ô€€ƒô€—ô€‹ô€ˆô€€ƒô€†ô€’ô€•ô€•ô€ˆô€ô€„ô€—ô€Œô€’ô€‘ô€€ƒô€†ô€’ô€ˆô€‰ô€‰ô€Œô€†ô€Œô€ˆô€‘ô€—ô€€ƒô€•ô€€ƒô€€ ô€€ƒô€€“ô€€‘ô€€šô€€™ô€€ƒô€€‹ô€“ô€€Ÿô€€“ô€€‘ô€€“ô€€“ô€€”ô€€Œô€€ô€€ƒô€Œô€‘ô€—ô€ˆô€•ô€†ô€ˆô€“ô€—ô€€ƒ
Conclusion TAT is more accurate than AT for body temperature
measurement in the healthy term newborns. [Paediatr Indones.


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How to Cite
Gunawan M, Soetjiningsih S, Kardana IM. Comparison of the accuracy of body temperature measurements with temporal artery thermometer and axillary mercury thermometer in term newborns. PI [Internet]. 30Apr.2010 [cited 9Mar.2025];50(2):67-2. Available from:
Received 2016-08-16
Accepted 2016-08-16
Published 2010-04-30