Malariometric Survey Among Elementary School Children Aged 6-9 Years in Sangihe Besar

  • Laurentz R.
  • Paul S. Manoempil
Keywords: malariometric, sangihe besar


One of the most common classification of malaria transmission in particular area is based on the levels of endemicity. It could be quantified by determination of chil­dren with enlarged spleens and parasitemia. A "Cross sectional study" was carried out with the purpose of finding out the proportion of elementary school children aged 6-9 years with enlarged spleen and parasitemia and the influence of frequency of illnesses related to malaria. The samples were selected by basing on "standard cluster sampling technique". Out of 500 elementary school children, the spleen rate, parasite rate and av­erage of enlarged spleens (AES) were 12.2 %, 8.6 % and 1.49, respectively. The highest spleen rate and parasite rate were found in Manalu subdistrict. There were significantly correlation between enlarged spleens and parasitemia (p < 0.05); parasitaemia and fre­quency of illnesses (p < 0.05); frequency of illnesses and enlarged spleens (p < 0.005).

Author Biographies

Laurentz R.
Pediatrician Division of Pediatrics Liun Kendage District General Hospital Tahuna - District of Sangihe Talaud Province of N. Sulawesi.
Paul S. Manoempil
Health District Officer Tahuna - District of Sangihe Talaud Province of N. Sulawesi.
How to Cite
R. L, Manoempil P. Malariometric Survey Among Elementary School Children Aged 6-9 Years in Sangihe Besar. PI [Internet]. 11Dec.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];36(5-6):115-0. Available from:
Received 2017-12-11
Accepted 2017-12-11
Published 2017-12-11