Small Bowel Morphology in Chronic Infantile Diarrhoe

  • Pitono Soeparto Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School, Surabaya, East Java
  • I Wayan Giri Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School, Surabaya, East Java
Keywords: small bowel morphology, chronic infantile diarrhoe, biopsy


Before the introduction of in vivo intestinal biopsy techniques, relatively little was known about the morphology of human intestinal mucosa under normal condition, and still less about its pathological states.

The first intestinal biopses were carried out with a modification of the rigid gastnic biopsy tube (Shiner, 1956) and it was only after the introduction of the much more flexible biopsy capsule (Crosby and Kugler, 1951) that the technique of intestinal biopsy became extensively used throughout the world (Greene et al., 1974; Townley and Bernes, 1973). In 1962, Read
and his colleagues produced a modification of Crosby's capsule, and a paediatric ver~on of the modification is Received 14th Mei 19!0.
now widely used fur small intestinal biopsy lin children (Marketed as Watson


1. CROSBY, W.M.; KUGLER, H.W.: Intraluminal biopsy of the small intestine: the intestinal biopsy capsule. Am. J. dig. Dis. 2 : 236 (1957).
2. GOSH, S.; DAGA, S.; KASTHURI, D.: MISRA. R.C.; CHUTTANI, H.K.: Gastrointestinal function in iron deficiency states in children. Am. J. Dis. Child 123 : 14 (1972).
3. GREENE, H.L.; ROSENSWEIG, N.S.; LUFKIN, E.G.; HAGLER, L.: GOZANSKY, D.: TAUNTON, O.D.; HERMAN, R.N. : Biopsy of the small intestine with the Crosby-Kugler Capsule. Expenience in 3866 per oral biopsies in children and adults. Am. J. dig. Dis. 19 : 189 (1974).
4. LEE & TONER : Biopsy Pathology of the SmaUl Intestine pp. 4-21 (Chapman and Hall, London 1980).
5. READ, A.E.; GOUGH, K.R.; BONES, J.A .; MC CARTHY, C.F. : An improvement to Crosby per oral intestinal capsule. Lancet i : 894 (1962).
6. SHINER, M. : Jejunal biopsy tube. Lancet i : 83 (1956).
7. SUMITHRAN, E.; IYINGKARAN, N.; ROBINSON, M.J.; LAM, S.K.; PUTHUCHEARY, S.D.; YADAV, M.: Effect of cosa of young infants recovering from acute infective enteritis. Proceeding of the International conference on infant nutrition and diarrhoeal disease and workshop on postgraduate paediatric education. Kuala Lumpur 9th - 16th November 1979.
8. TOWNLY, F.R.W.; BARNES, G.L.: Intestinal biopsy in childhood. Arch. Dis.
Childh. 48 : 480 (1973).
9. WALKER SMITH, J.A. : Disease of the Small Intestine in Childhood. 2nd ed., p. 56., 139. (Pitman Med., London 1979).
How to Cite
Soeparto P, Giri IW. Small Bowel Morphology in Chronic Infantile Diarrhoe. PI [Internet]. 30Oct.1982 [cited 6Feb.2025];22(9-10):195-. Available from:
Received 2017-08-29
Accepted 2017-08-29
Published 1982-10-30