Chlorpromazine-HCL in Acute Infantile Diarrhoea (A Brief Clinical Observation)

  • Pitono Soeparto Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya, East Java
  • Haroen Noerasid Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya, East Java
  • Liek Djupri Department of Child Health, Airlangga University Medical School/Dr. Sutomo Hospital, Surabaya, East Java
Keywords: chlorpromazine-HCl, acute infantile diarrhea, irritability


A total of 78 patients aged between 2 months aruJ 3 years suffuing from acute watery diarrhoea underwent investigation. Fifty-seven patients rectived chlorpromazinne-HCl 1 mg/kg BW/day in addition to oral glucose electrolyte solzuion. Twenty-one patimts were given a combination of chlorwomazine-HCL ( 1 mgjkg BW /day) wu/ antibiotics in additio11 to oral glucose electrolyte solution.

In the first group diarrhoea stopped within 3 days in 70.4% and within 7 days in 85.2% of the treated patients. In the secoruJ group almost similar results were observed: resp. 70% and 85%. Three patients in the first group (5.3%) and 1 patient in the second group (4.8%) received i.v.f.d. because of the worsening of the diarrhoea.

Side-effects observed during the study, were irritability irt one patient, heavy sedation in 2 patients and uncoordinated movements in one patient.


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6. RABBANI, G.H., GREENOUGH, W.B., HOLMGRAN, T. and LOUNROTH, I. : Chlorpromazine reduce fluid in cholera. Selected abstracts. Bulletin of the Coordinating Board of the Indonesian Paediatric Gastroenterology, May-June 1979.
7. WALKER-SMITH, J. : Diseases of the Small Intestine in Childhood, 2nd cd. p 173, 206 (Pitman Medic
How to Cite
Soeparto P, Noerasid H, Djupri L. Chlorpromazine-HCL in Acute Infantile Diarrhoea (A Brief Clinical Observation). PI [Internet]. 30Apr.1982 [cited 6Feb.2025];22(3-4):43-. Available from:
Pediatric Gastrohepatology
Received 2017-08-24
Accepted 2017-08-24
Published 1982-04-30