Age at Menarche and Menstrual Pattern of Elementary School Students in Medan

  • Nurdiani Nurdiani Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Evi Kamelia Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Rusdi Andid Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Ani Ariani Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Hakimi Hakimi Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
  • Endang D Hamid Department of Child Health, Medical School University of North Sumatera - Adam Malik Hospital, Medan
Keywords: age at menarche, menstrual pattern, elementary school students, Medan


This study aimed to determine the age at menarche and its influencing factors and the pattern of menstrual cycles in elementary school students in Medan. Subjects were 227 female students in six primary schools (private and government) in Medan municipal, during October until November 1995. Most students experienced menarche in government primary school (GPS: 35.8%) and private primary school (PPS: 24%), at the age of 10-12 years. The mean age at menarche of these students in government primary school was 11.41 (SD 0.95) years while in private primary school it was 10.65 (SD 0.78) years. Subjects who had had menarche had better nutritional status than who had not (p<0.001). Sports activities are also associated with age at menarche (p<0.001). On the other hand family's economical status and maternal age at menarche were not significantly associated with age at menarche (p>0.05). Most students who had had menarche had regular menstrual cycle; the duration of menarche was 4-6 days for GPS and 3 days for PPS. Dysmenorrhea was a common finding in the first three months of menstruation cycle but gradually diminishing with time. The duration of menstrual cycle was 25-34 days. These findings are useful as a guide for the parents, especially when mothers planning the best time/ the moment to discuss about reproduction and sexual counseling with her daughter.


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How to Cite
Nurdiani N, Kamelia E, Andid R, Ariani A, Hakimi H, Hamid E. Age at Menarche and Menstrual Pattern of Elementary School Students in Medan. PI [Internet]. 11Jul.2017 [cited 3Jul.2024];38(3-4):75-4. Available from:
Received 2017-07-08
Accepted 2017-07-08
Published 2017-07-11