Diarrhoeal Disease of Children in Indonesia

  • Sunoto Sunoto Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta and National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health.
  • Adnan S. Wiharta Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta and National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health.
  • J. Sulianti Saroso Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta and National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health.
Keywords: diarrhoeal, children


Diarrhoeal disease in infants and children up till now is still becoming a major problem with its high morbidity and mortality. There are too many factors which can play a role in causing this disease. But by giving Oral-glucose electrolyte Solution as soon as possible the case fatality rate can be reduced as low as possible. Whereas decreasing the morbidity still needs a very long time, since it has very multi-complex factors i.e. socio-economic condition, environmental and personal hygiene and sanitation, life style of people, belief, etc. The study on epidemiology, the influence of improvement of environmental sanitation and socio-anthropology is still very few, besides there is no satisfactory vaccin produced to prevent this disease. Meanwhile the worse of the case is that there is a tendency of decreasing breast-feeding in the big cities and to substiotute it with bottle-feeding.


ABDURACHMAN SUKADI; P. DJOEANDA and WIYATI DONHUIJSEN : Refeeding with Breast Milk after Rehydration. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

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ACHMAD SURJONO; P. SURYANTORO; TONNY SADJIMIN and ISMANGOEN : Lactose Tolerance Test in Indonesian newborn infants. Paediatr. lndones. 13 : 14-16 (1973).

ACHMAD SURJONO; TELUK SEBODO; YATI SOENARTO and MOENGINAH, P.A. : Lactose Intolerance among healthy adult. Paedia:r. Indones. 13: 49. 54 (1973).

ACHMAD SURJONO; TONNY SADJIMIN and ISMANGOEN : Pengobatan Candidiasis mulut pada bayi dengan Fungillin. Maj. Kedok. Indones. 21 : 478-483 (1971).

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ACHMAD SURJONO; MOENGINAH, P.A.; YATI SOENARTO dan TELUK SEBODO : Intoleransi terhadap air susu sapi (lactose?) pada mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Gajah Mada. Berk. I. Kedok. Gajah Mada 3 : 259-261 (1971).

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BACHTIN, M.; NELWAN; SUPRAPTO; TELUK SEBODO and ISMANGOEN : The use of antibiotics in childhood diarrhea. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta 3-6 August 1976.

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BINTARI RUKMONO; WIDODO TATOLO, R. and SIE TING HWAY : Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infections among infants in diarrheal and non diarrrheal cases. Paediatr. Indones. 5: 656-665 (1965).

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BUDINING WIRASTARI; TRI RUSPANDJI; SUNOTO and SUHARJONO : Penyakit cacing pada anak. Malam Klinik I Perkumpulan Gastroenterologi Indonesia, 28 November 1976.

DIET SADIAH; PONPON, I. dan WIYATI D. : Percobaan Pemeriksaan Sugar Intolerance dengan Chromatographi kertas pada bayi dan anak-anak dengan gastroenteritis dehidrasi. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

DJAUHAR ISMAIL; TELUK SEBODO and DRADJAT BOEDIMAN : Pengobatan Ascariasis pada anak-anak dengan piperazine. Berk. I. Kedok. Gajah Mada (1971).

DJAUHAR ISMAIL and TONNY SADJIMIN : Oral dehydroemetine in the treatment of amoebic dysentry in children. Asian J, Med. 8: 371-372 (1972).

DJAUHAR ISMAIL; UTOMO; SUGENG YUWONO and NOERHAYATI, S. : The use of Anthelmintics in the treatment of Ascariasis. Paediatr. Indones. 16 : 391-395 (1976).

DJOEANDA, P. and WIYATI DONHUIJSEN : Oral Rehydration with glucose electrolyte solution on infants and children in "Dr. Hasan Sadikin" General Hospital, Bandung. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

DJOHAN KURNIA : Penelitian Pengaruh Sanitasi lingkungan terhadap insidens Diare dan Kholera di Kodya Ujung Pandang. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

D. THIENPONT; J. BRUGMANS; K. ABADI and S. TANAMAL : Evaluation of tetramisole in the treatment of Nematode infestations in man. Paediatr. Indones. 10: 98-08 (1970).

EFFEK ALAMSJAH; PARMA OEMIASNIL; ASWITHA BUDIARSO; SUNOTO and SUHARJONO : Pathogenic enterobacteriae in infantile gastroenteritis in Jakarta. Paediatr. Indones. in print (1977).

FARIED BAKRY; SUHARJONO; SUNOTO and HENTYANTO HENDARDJI : The severity of lactose intolerance in Indonesian children. Paediatr. Indones. 13: 185-190 (1973).

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GRACEY, M.; SUHARJONO; SUNOTO and DELYS E. STONE : Microbial contamination of the gut; another feature of malnutrition. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 26 : 1170 (1973).

GRACEY, M.; DELYS E. STONE; J PAPADIMITRIOU; SUHARJONO and SUNOTO : Duovirus in Malnourished children. Communication. Paediatr. Indones. July-August (1975).

GRACEY, M.; DELYS E. STONE; SUTEJO; SUHARJONO and SUNOTO : A Preliminary report on the use of antiseptic Resiguard (R). Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976. Asian J. Infect. Dis. (1977).

GRACEY, M.; DELYS E. STONE; SUHARJONO and SUNOTO : Isolation of Candida species from the gastrointestinal tract in malnourished children. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 27: 345-349 (1974).

HALIMUN, E.M.; SUNOTO and SUHARJONO : Sugar intolerance in post neonatal Surgery. Paediatr. Indones. 13 : 289-292 (1973).

HARRY HARTOYO : Peranan oralit dalam pencegahan dan pemberantasan :Penyakit Gastroenteritis dan cholera di Jakarta. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

HAROEN NOERASID; PITONO SOEPARTO; BING SUDIANTO; SUGENG SUGIJANTO; ABDUL HAMID and A. SARASWATI : Intraperitoneal fluid therapy in children. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 211-218 (1975).

HAROEN NOERASID; PITONO SOEPARTO; BING RUDIANTO; MOH. SJAIFULLAH NOER and MOH. ADNAN : Incidence of cholera in children under two years of age at the Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 219-288 (1975).

age as seen in private and hospitalized patients. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

HERNAWAN; SUNOTO; TlTUT S. PUSPONEGORO and SUHARJONO : Ringer's lactate in the treatment of acute infantile gastroenteritis. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

ISMANGOEN; YATI SOENARTO; TELUK SEBODO; UTOMO and ACHMAD SURJONO : Low Lactose Milk (LLM - Sari Husada) used for refeeding children with gastroenteritis. Diajukan pada Malam Klinik IDAI, Jakarta 26 Oct. 1975.

JATI SOENARTO; ACHMAD SURJONO; MOENGINAH, P.A.; TELUK SEBODO; RADJIMAN and LAHMUDIN, D. : Morfologi mukosa usus pada anak SUNOTO ET AL. dengan gastroenteritis akuta. Diajukan pada Kongres Nasional Ilmu Kesehatan Anak ke-III, Surabaya, 1-6 Juli 1974.

JENI ISWANDARI; HELENA ERAWAN; S. KOMALARINI and SHlNTA NJOTOSlSWOJO : Cholera El Tor enteritis in Jakarta. Paediatr. Indones. 13 : 55-62 (1973).

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JO KIAN TJAIJ; NOERSIDA RAID and A.H. SUTANTO : Clinical studies of oral dehydro-emetine tablets (Ro 1-9334/10) in Amebic dysentery in children. Paediatr. Indones. 10 : 139-148 (1970).

JO KIAN TJAIJ; NOERSIDA RAID and A.H. SUTANTO : Flagyl (Metronidazole) in the treatment of intestinal Amoebiasis. (Part One). Paediatr. Indones. 11 : 1-2 (1971).

JO KIAN TJAIJ; NOERSIDA RAID and A.H. SUTANTO : Flagyl (Metronidazole) in the treatment of intestinal Amoebiasis. (Part Two). Presented at the Xlllth International Paediatric Congress, Vienna (1971).

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KOMALARINI, S. and W.R. SANBORN : Diarrhoeal disorders of bacterial origin. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

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KURNIAWAN, L.; MARGONO, S.S.; ROESIN, R. and MARWOTO, H.A. : Soil-Transmitted Helminthic Infection and its Treatment in children in Indonesia. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

KWARI SATJADIBRATA dan SOEDJONO D. PUSPONEGORO : Sindrama dehidrasi (Toksikosis) dan pengobatan pada anak-anak di Jakarta. Maj. Kedok. Indones. 2 : 9-73 (1959).

MOENGINAH, P.A.; ACHMAD SURJONO; TELUK SEBODO; SURYANTORO and YATI SOENARTO : Penyelidikan intoleransi terhadap laktose di Yogyakarta. Laporan Penelitian Proyek Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi U.G.M., 1971 (1972).

MOENGINAH, P.A.; SUPRAPTO; YATI SOENARTO; M. BACHTIN; D.S. SUTRISNO; SUTARYO and JON E. ROHDE : Sucrose electrolyte solution for oral rehydration in Diarrhoea. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

MOH. SIDIK; ABDURACHMAN SUKADI; HARDJANTI OMAN and SOEGIRI : Low Lactose Milk (LLM-Sari Husada) in Healthy infants in Bandung; Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore 23-29 May 1976.

NASSIR ABBAS : Situasi Gastroenteritis yang dirawat di Bagian Anak R.S.U. Ujung Pandang. Buku Proceedings Seminar Rehidrasi, Jakarta 26-29 Agustus 1974, halaman 278-285.

NASSIR ABBAS and NIKARTIN PAKAYA : Some observation on severe gastroenteritis. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

NASSIR ABBAS dan P. PALADA : Efek Nematocide pada gastroenteritis akuta. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

ONO DEWANOTO; ALISYAHBANA; SURATMAN ERWIN and SOEGIRI : Diarrhea in children between the age of 0-2 years in Bandung. Paediatr. Indones. 8 : 45-60 (1968).

PEDRO C. SAN DIEGO and AGUS ISKANDAR : Lactose Intolerance in an Indonesian closed community. Paediatr. Indones. 14 : 92 - 105 (1974).

PITONO SOEPARTO; HAROEN NOERASID and KWARI SATJADIBRATA : Carbohydrate intolerance in infants with chronic recurrent diarrhoea. Presented at the V.th Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

PITONO SOEPARTO; HAROEN NOERASID; M.S. SUBIYANTO; ISMUDIYANTO and PRAPTO SUTJIPTO : Disaccharide intolerance in Infants during the Diarrhoeal stage of Acute Gastroenteritis. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

PITONO SOEPARTO; ISMUDIYANTO; M.S. SUBIYANTO; BING RUDIYANTO and BUDHIANTO SUHADI : Modified oral electrolyte solution for infantile diarrhoea. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

PITONO SOEPARTO; SUBIYANTO, M.S..; HANANTO WIRYO; YULIANTI, S.; HARJONO, P. dan RATNA T.S. : Pengobatan Colistin P.O. pada anak-anak dengan gastroenteritis di bawah 2 tahun. Proceedings Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar. Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

PITONO SOEPARTO; SUBIYANTO, M.S. and KWARI SATJADIBRATA : Low Lactose Milk (LLM - Sari Husada) on refeeding infants with gastroenteritis. Paediatr. Indones.

PUDJIADI, S.H.; SRI MULYANI DARMAWAN and S. MUSLICHAN : Intestopan in the treatment of intestinal Amoebiasis. Paediatr. Indones. 9 : 137-142 (1969).

PUDJIADI, S.H.; SUNOTO; SUHARJONO and NARTONO KADRI : A new oral Amoebicid (Ro 7-0207) in the treatment of intestinal Amoebiasis. Paediatr. Indones. 13 : 113-119 (1973).

POEY, S.H.; GAUTAMA, J.W.; MAKSUM, M. and ILAHUDE, H. : A new outbreak of infantile diarrhoea caused by pathogenic E. coli. Paediatr. Indones. 9 : 247-254 (1969).

RAJIMAN; LAHMUDDIN, D.; MOENGINAH, P.A.; ACHMAD SURJONO; YATI SOENARTO dan TELUK SEBODO : Villi Intestinales Anak. Berk. Kedok. Gajah Mada (1973).

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ROSMAJUDI, O.; S. DIBJOSUBROTO and H. PERMADHI : Tinjauan Pola Penyakit dari penderita yang dirawat di Sub Bagian Gastroenterologi selama tahun 1975. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

RUSKANDl MARTAATMADJA dan WIYATI DONHUIJSEN : Tinjauan penderita cholera El Tor yang dirawat di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak R.S.H.S. Bandung dari Januari sampai dengan Juni 1976. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

RUSKANDI MARTAATMADJA; P. DJOEANDA; and A. ALISYAHBANA: The advantage of Rooming-in Nursery in Decreasing the Frequency of enteritis in Neonate. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

RUSTAMADI and WIDODO TALOGO, R. : Public opinion of diarrhoea in breast fed and artificial fed infants in Jakarta. Paediatr. Indones. 4 : 55-61 (1964).

SADIKIN DARMAWAN; RETNO ISWARI; RETNO TRENGGONOWATI; ASWITHA DAMAYANTI and ROBERT UTJI : Ampicillin in the treatment of dysenteri-form diarrhea. Paediatr. Indones. 10 : 131-138 (1970).

SADIKIN DARMAWAN and SRI ROCHANI SUDJARWO : Indones. 11 : 167-172 (1971).

SADIKIN DARMAWAN; WIRJA MULIADI; NAFSIAH MBOI and RETNO TRENGGONOWATI : The values of some important blood constituents, particularly serum electrolytes, in dehydrated children due to gastroenteritis. Paediatr. Indones. 12 : 68-72 (1972).

SANBORN. W.R. and KOMALARINI. S. : Antibiotic resistance in bacteria from Pediatric Diarrhoea. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress or Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

SJAMSIR DAILI; EMIL JAHYA; A. AZIZ SJOEIB; MARTONO and Mrs. MARTONO : Frequency of intestinal parasites infestation and infection in infants and children in Padang area, West Sumatra (Preliminary report). Paediatr. Indones. 12 : 87-91 (1972).

SOEPRAPTI THAIB; NAFSIAH and MIEN ROEMINI: Microbiological considerations of infantile diarrheal disease in Bandung, Indonesia. Paediatr. Indones. 8 : 133-147 (1968).

SOETRISNO, R.; DJAUHAR ISMAIL dan TONNY SADJIMIN : Kesehatan anak dalam community medicine di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Proceedings' Community medicine p. 14-47 (1972).

SUBAGYO MARTODIPURO; I.G. SUWENDA; R.H. SARDJITO DJOJOHADIPRINGGO and HAROEN NOERASID : Modified fluid therapy in cholera El Tor (A preliminary report). Paediatr. Indones. 12 : 251-262 (1972).

SOEPIJANTO, M.S.; ISMUDIJANTO; PITONO SOEPARTO; I. SUPIT; SJAIFULLAH NOER and PRAPTO SUTJIPTO : Sucrose Intolerance among infants suffering from acute gastroenteritic. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

SUBIYANTO, M.S.; PARTANA L.; and PITONO SOEPARTO : Chronic Bloody mucous Diarrhoea in children with gastroenteritis. Presented at the 4th Scientific Annual Meeting of Coordinating Board of Indonesian Paediatric Gastroenterology, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 December 1976.

SUDARJAT SURAATMADJA; HENDRA SANTOSA dan I. KOMANG KARI : Gastroenteritis pada anak-anak berumur di bawah 2 tahun. Dokumentasi Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Bali.

SUDIGBIA, I. dan ANGGORO DJAWABARU : Pengalaman pengobatan cairan pada gastroenteritis dan cholera dengan dehidrasi di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak R.S. Dr. Karyadi, Semarang. Buku Proceedings Seminar Rehidrasi, Jakarta 26-29 August 1974. p. 27-30.

SUDIJANTO : Gastroenteritis as a social problem. In proceeding's book of Seminar on Rehydration, Jakarta, 26-29 August 1974. p. 27-30.

SUHARJONO; ADNAN, S.W. and SUTEJO : Rehydration Centre (R.C.) in the out-patient section, Department of Child Health, University of Indonesia, during a short cholera outbreak after floods in Jakarta from 6th till 15th February 1976. Paediatr. Indones.

SUHARJONO; EFFEK ALAMSYAH; PARMA OEMI ASNIL; SUNOTO and TUMBELAKA, W.A.F.J. : Drug resistance of pathogenic enterobacteriae in Indonesian children in Jakarta. Paediatr. Indones.

SUHARJONO; SUNOTO; ASWITHA BUDIARSO and SUTEJO : Lactose malabsorption in "Healthy" Indonesian pre-school children. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 251-254 (1971).

SUHARJONO; SUNOTO; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO; SUTOTO and DADI, E.M. : Low Lactose Milk (LLM) on refeeding of infantile diarrhoea. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 247-254 (1975).

SUHARJONO; SUNOTO; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO; HENTYANTO HENDARDJI and SUGIHARTO : Refeeding with free lactose milk (Al-110 NESTLE) in children suffering from gastroenteritis and dehydration. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 191-197 (1973).

SUHARJONO; SUNOTO; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO and W.A.F.J. TUMBELAKA : Problem and Solving of malabsorption syndrome in Indonesian. Presented at the 2nd Asian Congress of Pediatrics, Jakarta, 3-6 August 1976.

SUHARJONO; SUPARNO, S.; TITUT, S.P.; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO; SUNOTO and SUTEJO, R. : Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) - Lactose Low Formula in Low Birth Weight infants with steatorrhoea and diarrhoea. Paediatr. Indones.

SUHARJONO; TITUT, S.P.; S. SUPARNO; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO; SUNOTO and R. SUTEJO : Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT), Lactose Low Formula in malnourished children with Diarrhoea, Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

SUHARJONO; WILA WIRYA, I.G.N.; SAMSUDIN; SUNOTO; Z. SULAIMAN dan R. SUTEJO : Effect of Low Lactose Milk Eiwit Melk (E.M.) on Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Paediatr. Indones. 15 : 255-261 (1975).

SUHARJONO; SUNOTO; ASWITHA DAMAJANTI; SADIKIN DARMAWAN and D.G. COTTOM : Small intestine biopsy in Protein Calorie Malnutrition and celiac children. Paediatr. Indones. 11 : 7-15 (1971).

SULIANTI, SAROSO J., SUPARNADI, RATNIWATI and MANIKORO : A longitudinal survey of diseases ocrurring in children under 5 years of age in Pondok Pinang, Jakarta, Pediatr. Indones. 12 : 469-478 (1972).

SUNOTO dan SUHARJONO : Masalah diare kronik pada bayi dan anak. Proceedings Muktamar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia ke-XII dan Kursus Penyegar dan Penambah Ilmu Kedokteran (KPPIK) FKUI ke-7, Jakarta, 23 Juli - 1 Agustus, halaman 564-570 (1972).

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SUNOTO; OTTY W. SONITYO; SUHARJONO dan ASWITHA BUDIARSO : Rehidrasi Oral di Puskesmas. Proceedings Kursus Penyegar dan Penambah Ilmu Kedokteran (KPPIK) FKUI ke-IX, Jakarta, halaman 64-72 (1976).

SUNOTO; ADNAN S. WIHARTA and W.R. SANBORN : Sensitivity Test of Salmonella and Shigella enteritis. Paediatr. Indones. in print.

SUNOTO; SUHARJONO; J, MANGIWA and SUTEJO : Lactose Intolerance in chronic diarrhea among Indonesian children. Paediatr. Indones. 11 : 1-6 (1971) Special issue.

SUNOTO; SUHARJONO; CYSCA, M. LEMBONG; ASWITHA BOEDIARSO and SAMSUDIN : Lactose Loading Test on Protein Calorie Malnutrition. Paediatr. Indones. 13 : 43-48 (1973).

SUNOTO; SUHARJONO and SUTEJO : Two years study on sugar Intolerance in Indonesian children. Paediatr. Indones. 13 : 241-249 (1973).

SUNOTO; SUHARJONO; Z. SULAIMAN and S.H. PUDJIADI : Clinical trial with Ro 7-0207 (Tiberal) in treatment of Intestinal Amoebiasis. (Part Two). Paediatr. Indones. 16 : 403-411 (1976).

SUNOTO; TITUT, S.P.; SUSILO SURACHMAD and W.R. SANBORN : Treatment cf acute infantile gastroenteritis. Presented at the Vth Asian Pacific Congress of Gastroenterology, Singapore, 23-29 May 1976.

SUNOTO; TITUT S. PUSPONEGORO; SUSILO SURACHMAD and W.R. SANBORN : Oral Rehydration in the Treatment of Acute Infantile Gastroenteritis.

SUPRIHATIN, S.D.; D. KARTANEGARA; A. PAUNTU and ASWITHA DAMAYANTI : Nystatin in the treatment of Candidiasis. Paediatr. Indones. 9 : 13-16 (1969).

SUTAN ASSIN, M.; SUTEJO; TJIA KHIE and WIDODO TALOGO : The serum agglutinin titer of Healthy children after cholera Sec Immunization and its influence on paracholera El Tor, Paediatr. Indones. 5 : 629-635 (1965).

SUTEJO; GOEI GIOK KWA; ASIKIN HANAFIAH; WILA WIRJA, I.G.N. and SAMBAS WIRADISURIA : Modifikasi pengobatan "Dehydration with Acidosis". Maj. Kedok. Indones. 11 : 102-115 (1961).

SUTEJO : Cow's milk (Lactose?) intolerance among Indonesian doctors of the Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital and medical School, University of Indonesia. Paediatr. Indones. 11 : 43-46 (1971).

SUTJININGSIH; I. KOMANG KARI dan ABDUL HAMID : Mortalitas Penderita Gastroenteritis yang dirawat di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUP Sanglah di Denpasar, Januari sampai dengan September 1976. Diajukan pada Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan ke-IV. BKGAI, Denpasar, Bali, 3-4 Desember 1976.

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How to Cite
Sunoto S, Wiharta A, Saroso J. Diarrhoeal Disease of Children in Indonesia. PI [Internet]. 13Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];18(11-12):332-8. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1522
Received 2017-06-13
Accepted 2017-06-13
Published 2017-06-13