A Case of Paratyphoid Fever Accidentally Treated with Amoxycillin

  • I. Darmansjah Department of Pharrmacology, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta
Keywords: paratyphoid fever, accidentally treated, Amoxycillin


A case of paratyphoid-fever is

reported below which responded

dramatically to 6 (D (-) -Amino-p-

Hydroxyphenyl acetamido) - Penicil-

lanic acid or amoxycillin, known in

Indonesia under the trade name of

Amoxil (250 mg crupsules).


FARID, Z., SIPPEL, J.E., HASSAN, A. and TRABOLSI, B.: Treatment of acute enteric fever with amoxycillin. The Lancet iii : 350 (1974).

SLAMET DJAIS and UYKA SLAMET SANTOSO: Hubungan percobaan resistensi dengan terapi antibiotika, Maj. Kedok. Indones. 21 : 308 (1971).
How to Cite
Darmansjah I. A Case of Paratyphoid Fever Accidentally Treated with Amoxycillin. PI [Internet]. 9Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];14(7-8):132-. Available from: https://paediatricaindonesiana.org/index.php/paediatrica-indonesiana/article/view/1498
Received 2017-06-08
Accepted 2017-06-08
Published 2017-06-09