Lactose Intolerance in an Indonesian Closed Community

  • Pedro C. San Diego Medical Direktor, Jakarta Medical Department of P.T. Stanvac Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Agus Iskandar Senior Medical Officer, Lirik (Central Sum.) Medical Department of P.T. Stanvac Indonesia, Jakarta
Keywords: lactose intolerance, Indonesian closed community


This study was conducted to find out

its incidence among Indonesians in a

closed community.


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How to Cite
San Diego P, Iskandar A. Lactose Intolerance in an Indonesian Closed Community. PI [Internet]. 9Jun.2017 [cited 6Feb.2025];14(5-6):92-05. Available from:
Received 2017-06-06
Accepted 2017-06-06
Published 2017-06-09