Treatment of Acute Infantile Gastroenteritis Dehydration Acidosis with Ringer's Lactate and Glucose-Electrolyte Solution

  • Hernawan Hernawan Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Sunoto Sunoto Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Titut S. Pusponegoro Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
  • Suharjono Suharjono Department of Child Health, Medical School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Keywords: gastroenteritis, dehydration, acidosis, ringer's lactate, glucose-electrolyte solution


Fifty patients hospitalized with severe gastroenteritis - dehydration with acidosis were investigated. The age average was 8 months with the range of 1-18 months. The amount of the Ringer's lactate solution given was as follows:

1st hour : 30 ml/kg b.w.
the following 7 hours: 70 ml/kg b.w. or 10 ml/kg b.w./hour.

After 8 hours on parenteral treatment, the child was given oral solution, either glucose-electrolyte solution or milk formula in ¼ dilution. The mortality rate was 6% (3 out of 50 patients) i.e. one due to seizures suspected encephalitis, one due to potasium deficiency (K = 2.1 mEq/l) and the third due to dehydration itself because the child was admitted already in a moribund stage (subvinum vitae).


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How to Cite
Hernawan H, Sunoto S, Pusponegoro T, Suharjono S. Treatment of Acute Infantile Gastroenteritis Dehydration Acidosis with Ringer’s Lactate and Glucose-Electrolyte Solution. PI [Internet]. 13Jun.2017 [cited 7Mar.2025];18(3-4):83-0. Available from:
Received 2017-05-31
Accepted 2017-05-31
Published 2017-06-13