Transfusion in the Newborn

  • Sunarto Sunarto Child Health Department Faculty of Medicine Gadjah Mada University
Keywords: transfusion, newborn, neonatal intensive care, citrated blood


Transfusion, either with whole blood or blood components is frequently needed in the neonatal intensive care. Certain aspects are very important to consider. Citrated blood is prefered to heparinized blood. Transfusion must be rational, either with whole blood or blood components. Whole blood is only indicated for repletion of blood volume, exchange transfusion and certain cases in which no blood component needed is available.

To improve oxygen carrying capacity, to stop bleeding due to coagulation defect, thrombocytopenic bleeding due to depressed platelets production and to counter gram negative septicemia, blood component is indicated to obtain optimal effects with minimal side effects.


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How to Cite
Sunarto S. Transfusion in the Newborn. PI [Internet]. 31Dec.1991 [cited 4Jul.2024];31(11-12):334-2. Available from:
Received 2017-05-30
Accepted 2017-05-30
Published 1991-12-31