Neurobrucellosis in Children

  • Musa Kazim Caglar Dr. Sarni Ulus Children's Hospital and Hacettepe Children's Hospital Ankara
  • Sabiha Aysun Dr. Sarni Ulus Children's Hospital and Hacettepe Children's Hospital Ankara
Keywords: neuroblucellosis, brucellosis, Brucella, leptomeningitis


Although the neurological symptoms in brucellosis are frequent, nervous system involvement is uncommon. In addition, blood and cerebrospinal fluid may not show growth of Brucella in culture. For these reasons brucellosis may not be considered hence correct diagnosis of the disease may be delayed. We have presented three cases of leptomeningitis due to brucellosis where diagnosis was delayed one to two months and was correctly made in two cases only after bone marrow aspiration culture.


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How to Cite
Caglar M, Aysun S. Neurobrucellosis in Children. PI [Internet]. 28Feb.1989 [cited 6Feb.2025];29(1-2):28-2. Available from:
Received 2017-05-29
Accepted 2017-05-29
Published 1989-02-28