Behavioral parent training for ADHD children: a mixed methods study

  • Hari Wahyu Nugroho Department of Child Health, Sebelas Maret University Medical School/Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java
  • Mei Neni Sitaresmi Department of Child Health, Gajah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, Central Java
  • Indria Laksmi Gamayanti Department of Child Health, Gajah Mada University Medical School/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, Central Java
Keywords: Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, parent behavior training


Background Management of ADHD requires multimodal treatments. Parental participation is one of the most important factors for effective ADHD treatment.

Objective To investigate the effectiveness of behavioral parent training combined with routine clinical care, in reducing ADHD symptoms in children.

Methods Quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in this study. This study was conducted at 3 growth and developmental clinics in Central of Java, on June-July 2016. The quantitative aspect was assessed by comparing ADHD quotient scores at pre- and post-intervention, while the qualitative aspect by intensive parental interviews. Parents of children with ADHD were randomized with block random sampling. In the treatment group, parents received behavioral training for 7 weeks, along with weekly routine clinical care for their children. The control group received only routine clinical care of the children. Six parents in the treatment group were randomly selected for intensive interviews.

Results A total of 67 parents with their children were involved. Both groups’ ADHD quotient scores improved post-intervention. The treatment group ADHD quotient score was reduced from 120.53 to 116.41 (effect size Cohen’s d 0.68). The control group ADHD quotient score was reduced from 121.74 to 119.83 (effect size Cohen’s d 0.23). Mean difference post-intervention in both group was not significant (p=.161). After behavioral parent training, communication between parents and children increased and parents’ capability in directing their children’s daily activity increased.

Conclusion Behavioral parent training can not enhacing effectiveness of routine clinical care to reduce ADHD symptoms in children.

Author Biography

Hari Wahyu Nugroho, Department of Child Health, Sebelas Maret University Medical School/Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, Central Java

Growth Development and Social Pediatrics Subdivision

Child Health Department

Sebelas Maret University

Moewardi General Hospital


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How to Cite
Nugroho H, Sitaresmi M, Gamayanti I. Behavioral parent training for ADHD children: a mixed methods study. PI [Internet]. 22Jun.2017 [cited 24Oct.2024];57(3):145-. Available from:
Received 2017-04-05
Accepted 2017-06-12
Published 2017-06-22